Saturday, July 11, 2015

Some Memories

Golfer recently found a news article about "home".  Bethlehem Township, Ohio, will be celebrating its bicentennial in 2016.  This area is in a quiet, rural area of Ohio.

I remember when the sesquicentennial of Navarre, Ohio, was celebrated in 1956.  Navarre was originally one of three towns - Navarre, Bethlehem, and Rochester.  In 1872, the three were combined into one town, Navarre.

I imagine that Bethlehem Township's Bicentennial might be similar to the sesquicentennial for Navarre.  I was  seven years old.  I remember Mom made us matching "old-time" dresses.  They were a dark rose print, with long full skirts, long sleeves, aprons, and matching bonnets.  Somewhere there is a picture of us taken in front of the house where we lived.  The only other thing I remember about the dresses was that they were hot!

There were games and a parade, and bands, and pot-luck dinners.  It was a fun time.

Navarre has changed over the years but some of the old buildings are still there.  It's still a quiet town on the river.  It was a great place to grow up.

Stay safe!

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