Monday, July 20, 2015


Well.  We're in the second half of July now.  It has been HOT and HUMID here, with heat advisories and occasional storms.  The usual Summer stuff.

Time moves on.  Some of the stores have their Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations out.  Hallmark has their Christmas ornaments on display.  Back to school sales are going on.  Seems like everything is bunched up together.

The family is doing well.  School will start the first week in August for Boxer and Bloomer in Georgia.  Boxer will be starting Middle school.  It will be different having them in different schools, riding different buses.  BeyB goes back the day after Labor Day to start her senior year of high school and start some nursing classes at the same time.  Cutie Girl has a couple  years yet before it all starts for her.

Golfer has been playing golf and trying to stay comfortable while doing it.  Some days it's brutal out on the course.  He doesn't complain, of course, but I can tell.

As for me, I go to the pool early in the day, several times a week and get to the "Y" a couple times for the machines.  The rest of my time is spent with doing things around the house and in the yard.  I had to see my orthopedic doctor for a new pain/ache in my right leg.  I was rather worried.  Turns out I over-did things a little with the yard work and house work and tore some scar tissue in there.  He says it will get better on its own and I should take it easy and slow down a little.  The knee joint looks good!  I am relieved.  While I was answering his questions and telling him what all I had been doing I got the impression perhaps a  lot of his patients aren't too active.  Not that I'm super active, but I do like to get things done!

So, here we are.  Life is good.  Stay safe!

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