Sunday, May 3, 2015

All God's Creatures

I believe that God has a plan and that He made all creatures for a reason.  I personally question the reason for things like mosquitoes and roaches and think Noah could have left them off the ark.  But it wasn't up to me.  I believe that God forgives me for my opinion.

Having said that,with the exception of our cats, I do not want God's creatures in our home!

Those who know me well know that I like to keep a clean house.  I vacuum at least every other day and mop at least twice a week.  While I'm doing that I de-hair the furniture.  If there is a spill, it gets cleaned up immediately.  I like to keep the curb appeal of our home in good shape, too. So I can confidently say that we have a clean and orderly home.

I am personally offended when a mouse invades our home.  And here is the story. . . . .

I had been cleaning and doing chores all day and wanted to sit down for a bit so I went to the computer desk.  Three of our cats were in the office with me, playing with their toys and having a good time.  This was not unusual.  I was just getting into sending emails and such when I noticed that they were having a little too much fun and decided to see what they were playing with.

I moved their toy basket away from the wall and something ran across the room!  Honestly, at that point I thought it was some sort of large mutant bug.  We do have those here in Virginia.  Knowing my occasional balance issues, I didn't want to stomp it so I grabbed the large glass brick we use for a door stop.  The cats had followed it behind their litter boxes so I pulled one away from the wall and looked.  There was a small gray mouse looking up at me.  I dropped the brick on it.  Or I should say I tried to drop the brick on it.  It ran under the roll top desk.

Golfer put a mouse "trap" thingy under the desk drawer where the cats can't get to it.  All was calm.  We didn't see the mouse any more that day.  The cats stayed on alert and were very responsive to any small movement of anything - a breeze, a piece of paper falling on the floor, etc.

The next morning, all three of the boys were crouched down looking under the china cabinet in the dining room.  Then there was a race to the living room where they had the mouse cornered behind a small stool.  By then I had grabbed the broom and one of my long-handled grabbers and tried to swat it.  No luck.  It went up and over the fireplace and behind the entertainment center, then into the kitchen and under the dishwasher.  The cats all followed and set up camp on guard.

Now let me remind you that we have four, healthy, robust indoor cats.  They are all spayed and neutered but all have their teeth and claws intact.  And they obviously consider this invading creature to be a new toy.  I mean, really, wouldn't you think some natural instinct would kick in?  But, noooooo, if they get close to it they pat at it,  I appreciate their teamwork in standing guard, but come on, let's get this taken care of.  I am obviously not fast enough to catch the mouse myself.  I told our furry kids that I was writing a post about them and when their relatives and friends from the shelter hear about it they will laugh.  Shaming them did not work.  They still haven't caught the mouse.

We have no idea how he got in or where he came from,  There have been no droppings anywhere.  I have to think he came just to play with our cats and give me a headache.

The exterminator is getting a call in the morning.

Stay safe!

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