Friday, January 25, 2013

A Peaceful Birthday

Hey, all.

It's freakin' COLD here!  I don't think it's gotten above 30 degrees in several days.  We had flurries yesterday.  It just started snowing again about thirty minutes ago and today it is sticking.  We're supposed to get two to four inches.  The traffic alerts are going out.  Like I said, snow for thirty minutes.  Already one lane of the James River Bridge is closed.  There's an ice advisory at the Monitor Merrimac Bridge Tunnel, a seven mile back-up at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel and multiple other accidents around the area.  And it's Friday.  Fun times!

Golfer is taking me to the Black Watch Pipes and Drums concert this evening for my birthday.  Fortunately, it isn't too far away.  Snow around here always makes us uneasy.  We're okay with it, having grown up in Ohio and living in Germany and Colorado.  But most of the drivers here have no experience with it.  The mind set is "drive faster and get out of it sooner".  That just does not work.  Golfer and I will be extra careful.

I worked this morning and we've just been hanging out here at home this afternoon.  Obviously it is too cold for Golfer and his buddies to go play golf.  They are smart men.  :)

Our son-in-law Brief had shoulder surgery today.  Bikini has him home and is watching over him.  We hope he has a smooth recovery.  It's been a busy week there as one of the kitties -Jett - had eye surgery and Boxer got sick and had to see the doctor.  Boxer and Jett are doing fine.

Nurse J is doing well.  BeyB had exams this week.  She's happy for a long weekend after studying and testing.

I took BeyB to see "Les Miserables" recently.  This isn't the kind of movie I would normally see or like, but she wanted to see it.  Her friends had seen it and no one else in the family was enthused about going,  so I took her.  It was pretty good. The French revolution was an ugly time for humanity, and I didn't realize the whole show was singing.  I knew it was a musical, but not that there were only about a dozen or so spoken words!  I will say that Hugh Jackman deserves every award he gets for this though!

Golfer and I saw "Zero Dark Thirty" this week.  Well done, but another tough subject.

Nurse J took me to see "Beauty and the Beast" at Ferguson Center for my birthday.  Great performers!  It's one of the traveling Broadway shows that visits here.

Thinking about movies, shows and TV that we watch made me think about some favorite and famous know, like Arnold's "I'll be back!"  And from "Steel Magnolias" the line by Weezer (sp?) "he's a boil on the butt of humanity".  But one of the best was one Golfer and I heard last evening while watching "Suburgatory".  Dallas was speaking of her ex-husband: "he's an absolute skid mark on the pristine panties of my soul".  We just cracked up over that!

My phone has been beeping with more traffic alerts and I heard a thump on the other side of the sound wall at the back edge of our property.  I'm headed off to a hot shower.  Stay warm.  Stay safe.  And be happy!

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