Things have been busy. Holiday preparations are pretty much done. We've hosted a gathering and been to another one. Daily routines continue. Golfer is out on the course when the weather cooperates. We even had shorts weather last week for a couple days!
Work has been busy in my office, but fortunately most days I have the space to myself and can accomplish a lot. We've been getting back into our "Y" routines. I've had a few blah days recently, but am feeling better. It was a year ago that Mom died. I know she always enjoyed the Christmas decorations and shows on TV. I hope she has some good ones this year.
Hermione injured herself somehow this week and I had to take her to the doctor. Nothing broken or torn, but she had some inflammation in her hip and knee and could hardly move. And from the moment I got her back home, Cinder turned into a little tyrant bully. After a discussion with Dr. W. we decided to supplement Hermione's steroid injection with some pills and also to give Cinder something to calm her down. Poor Cecil was just distraught and wanted all the fussing to stop! But things are improving now. Hermione is moving much better. Cinder is getting back to her sweet self and devoting more time to Christmas tree skirt rearranging.

Some family members tease us and say Cecil doesn't exist because they never get to see him. He almost always runs and hides when anyone else comes into the house. But this is him enjoying the tree skirt. He loves the trees and will sit under them and peek at us. He wore himself out this evening!
Stay safe! More later!
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