Saturday, December 17, 2011

Some New Ornaments on Our Original Tree

These are just some pictures of a few new ornaments on our tree for this year.  Golfer's brother and his wife gave us a set of Cleveland Browns ornaments (this is just one of them).  They also gave us the large blue ornament with the lovely trees on it.  In that picture you can also see the new Romulan Bird of Prey.  Golfer and I have collected Hallmark Star Trek ornaments over the years.  This year we have a couple that have just simply given up working.  They all either light up or have recorded messages.  The Bird of Prey was a new one this year.  For the record, we also have a Millennium Falcon on the tree!

Golfer gave me an early gift of a set of Harry Potter ornaments.  There is one for each "House" and one for Hogwarts!

Have a great weekend!

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