Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Well, It's Been a While

I have had quite a few days this past month that I have not had a lot of time on the computer.  Some of those days were good and enjoyable, others were not so much.  

Christmas time is always busy with extra things to do like decorating, shopping, cooking, baking, sending cards.  And in our area there was still yard work and cleaning up leaves.

Pam, Z, and B came to visit for a couple days and that was a good time.  It was great to have them here.  They helped with a few of the chores, too. 

I have been trying to keep up with things. But there is always something to add to the "to-do" list.

And now for the not so enjoyable time.  Les was in the hospital again for a few days after another 911 call and trip in the ambulance to the ER.  We got him back home last Saturday and he is slowly regaining some strength.  There are recheck appointments scheduled with our GP doc and with Urology.  The hospital was full, and short staffed.  I spent the days there to help and be with Les.  I would have done that even the hospital wasn't full and short staffed.

Jordan entered one of her designs in a contest by the ODU Alumni Association.  Her design won!  And it was brought to life by another Alum and now one of the beautiful ornaments is hanging on our tree!

Also in the picture is Jordan's "Baby's First Christmas" ornament.  💕

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good, even when things aren't.  And God Bless America!

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