Friday, April 7, 2023


Please don't ask me where the time has gone since I last posted.  Obviously, the time has gone by way too fast.  I have been trying to keep up, but some days I just run out of energy and time.

So, here are some updates on us.  The calendar was full of appointments since I last wrote.  Les finished up the sessions with the speech therapist and the occupational therapist. Those were both twice a week.  Both gave him things to work on and practice sheets and instructions.  

Les also had a dermatology appointment.  It went okay but a couple "spots" were worked on.  Another day he saw his Neurologist.   Not really anything new there,  He's to see her again in a year, or sooner if something else happens.  

Then we both had dental checkups; no problems for either of us there.  Yay!  Although I was told my teeth are getting old.  Duh!

We met with a landscaper that we like and discussed some work.  We want to have our deck removed and have the patio extended into that space.  That will make it all ground level and much safer and easier to go out there and use the area.  We completed the application for our HOA ARB and got approval.  We signed a contract and paid the deposit this morning.  They'll call and let us know when the work will start.

Yesterday the guys from the same company came and did the edging of our mulched areas, cleaned up all the remaining leaves - especially from the rocks across the back edge of our property - and put down our new cedar mulch.  Looks much better!

Our sprinkler system people were here to move a sprinkler head that needed to be done before the deck/patio work.  They also did the Spring turn-on and checked the system.

Larry came to visit and check on Les.  It was nice to have him here for a couple nights.  He was on his way to a golf outing in South Carolina.

The surgery on Les' left knee is scheduled for the 19th.  So we had another appointment with our GP Doc for the pre-surgery clearance.  That was followed up in a couple days by a lengthy call from the surgery nurse.  The good news there is that because of all the testing that Les has had done over the last few months, there is no more testing needed before the surgery.

We had a couple days of temperatures in the upper-80's.  It got hot and muggy in here and I turned the A/C on.  That is turned off again now.  There is a front passing through and today the temps are dropping and in the low-50's, windy, and rainy.

I've done a little work out in the yard, just a bit at a time.  One of the pansy pots on the porch is not looking too good.  Both have been fertilized and watered and spoken to nicely. 😊 So I don't know what the problem is.  I might have to replace it. 

I hope you are all well and staying safe and healthy.  Take care of yourselves.  God Bless America!

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