Monday, October 3, 2022

Ian Just Won't Quit

Here is an update on how things are now.  We did have heavy rain and high winds with Ian coming through our area.  Our rain gauge was full and over five inches.  There was actually more than that because as high as the winds were, the rain would have blown past the gauge.  There was a big mess in the yard.  

Our power stayed on, and we have a generator in case it didn't.  Jacquie's house lost power for several hours and we told her they could come over here, but they wanted to stay put and see how things went.  They also had a big mess in their yard, but the twenty new pecans on their young tree survived and are still hanging on! This is the first year their tree has produced nuts. They have all been waiting anxiously for them. 😊

Pam said there were no bad effects from Ian at her house and they are doing okay.

We had no rain on Saturday and our backyard had dried enough for Les and I to spend a couple hours out there yesterday morning cleaning up.  There are six huge bags out at the curb for the bulk pick-up and also a pile of larger pieces too big to bag.

And........ now the remnants of Ian are coming back.  Closings started being announced yesterday afternoon.  We have wind warnings, flood warnings, heavy rain expected.  The temperature has dropped and it "feels like" 41 according to the forecast.  I'll let you know how this goes.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good, stay positive, and God Bless America!

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