Thursday, October 7, 2021


I hope everyone is doing well.  

Les had a major allergy attack while playing golf on Monday. He felt so bad he quit playing after twelve holes.  But yesterday's round went much better.  He was feeling alright and had a good round.  There is something out there on or around the course that sets it off and makes him miserable; we do not know what.

He has also had an encounter with a wasp that got in the house.  Before he could swat it a second time after he knocked it down off the wall, it stung him.  He has had a bad reaction to stings in the past, but is doing okay so far other than a little redness and a little swelling on his neck. The wasp is a goner after I stomped on it. 😊

Our yard is still covered with the little lumps of mud from the aeration but the sprinklers have been running as needed and it has rained a couple times.  Hopefully, the new seed will be up soon and the ground will level out. 

We got our "senior" flu vaccines yesterday.  Neither of us have had any reaction.  We'll get our Covid booster - or third dose as our doctor calls it - next month.

Our weather has been pretty good, a little cooler but still high humidity.  No leaf colors are happening yet.  But we are having a lot of dried, brown leaves falling down.  Al Roker talked about this one morning in his report and called this "Leaf Scorch" and it is caused by weather conditions.  The acorns are still falling down from our neighbor's tree.  I even hear then pinging on the chimney cap sometimes.  And it is on the other side of the deck from that tree!

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good.  God Bless America!

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