Friday, April 12, 2019

More Blooms!

The sun is out, the birds are singing, the pollen is at a "12" on the scale of one to ten, and life remains good.

My mood is improving daily.  My pain is pretty much the same.  I am adjusting and doing things in fifteen to twenty minute increments and then need to sit and rest until the next bit of time to be up and doing things.  The first available surgery date isn't until May 2nd.  If I don't take that date the next choice isn't until the 16th of May.  And I told my doctor that I WAS GOING to go on vacation the end of May. So the 2nd it is!  And all the medical folks are in agreement that the Tylenol Arthritis is the only thing I can take.  So, harrumph.

After having to cut errand trips short and not getting things done, I finally had to admit that I could not do the grocery shopping.  Les did a great job getting that done.

Yesterday he worked in the yard and got a first mowing done.  It was really tall in some spots and he plans to mow again and finish the trimming and edging.  Today he is playing golf.

We have our first azalea bloom of the year!  I figure this one is the scout to check things out before the many other buds open.  But there it is all by itself.

And then there is this tiny azalea "bush" coming up.  It's an offshoot from a larger plant.

On the way to one of my appointments I noticed one of the neighbors has a large patch of blooming tulips; so pretty!

So life remains great, even with bumps in the road.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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