Friday, March 10, 2017


Our weather here is still going back and forth, up and down.  We have had some beautiful warm days.  Things are "greening up" and starting to bloom.  Today is cloudy, getting cooler and windier, and there is a chance of snow predicted for Sunday.  Blah.

However, my internal clock has said it is time for Spring Cleaning!  The library, office and our bedroom have been wiped, scrubbed, vacuumed, windows washed, things dusted and polished.  There is a sense of accomplishment with all that.  I always think of my Grama and how she cleaned her wall paper with big "wads" of cleaner that looked and smelled like Play-doh.  I've always wondered if that is what Play-doh really is with some added color?????  She would also drag the carpets and rugs out and hang over the clothes line and beat them with a thing that looked like a tennis racket.  Thankfully, those methods of cleaning are gone now.  😊

The window treatment in the office needed to be cleaned.  The cost of dry cleaning was over half the cost of replacing, so I gathered my Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupons and went shopping.  The new ones look pretty good.   Like I've said before, there are things I just don't worry about any more.  Years ago, I would have worried and found a way to keep the old ones and clean them.

Golfer did some yard work yesterday and some cleaning up and raking.  I think the next time he's out there it will be to mow and trim.  It will be time for me to do another "walk around" and check things in the mulched areas soon.  And I need to call Steve and arrange for new mulch to be delivered and spread around.

I got the first biopsy report, the one for the place on my leg.  Pre-cancerous cells were found, but they got it all when the doctor made the divot in my leg.  It is healing now.  Next up will be the place on my face.  I see a plastic surgeon for the removal and that biopsy.

So, all in all, life is good!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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