Friday, March 3, 2017

It's a Beautiful, Sunny 39!

Hi, from Myrtle Beach!

Golfer and I are having a mini vacation for a couple days.  The weather has been beautiful, was 80 just two days ago.  Then a rainy storm front came through during the night and cooled things down.  The good news is that the rain washed some of pollen out of the air.  It's been thick!  I'll be taking Kirk to the car wash when we return home. 

Golfer has had a nice couple days of golf with our friend T.  I have had a great visit with wonderful conversation with friend E.  We have eaten at a couple of our favorite places.  I have had some quiet time enjoying the ocean and listening to the waves and the birds. 

There will be a post later about our hotel so I won't go into that here.  Let's just say I have a lot to say on that subject.  :)

There is still clean-up and repair going on in the area due to damage from Hurricane Matthew.  There are still buildings being repaired that have lost siding and roofs.  Lots of trees were downed. The large Palace Theater is closed due to a huge hole in the wall.  The saddest part is the damage to the dunes and dunes grasses.  They are flattened or just simply washed away.  In earlier posts I've had pictures of the ocean and the grasses at the dunes.  This is now:

The small wooden fences are all gone, washed away.  What grass is left is flat and browning.  We're told the dunes grasses will come back but it will not be quick or soon.  E says that the sea turtles did return to lay their eggs though and everyone is hoping there will be lots of baby turtles in the future.  That was one of the biggest worries.  The turtles always return the same area and they are protected as much as possible.  If you enjoy reading, Dorothea Benton Frank includes lots of history and stories about the turtles in her books that are based in the Low Country.

You may have noticed the birds in the picture.  Every morning there have been hundreds of sea gulls lined up at the very edge of the water on the beach.  The day before the storm front they were all in a straight line facing South -- every one of them!

Occasionally there are large pelicans flying by that remind me of Jurassic Park!

There is no golf planned for today.  We looked at the beautiful sunrise this morning.  We have been to our favorite breakfast place, Eggs Up Grill, and we will be heading out soon to look around, maybe shop a little and possibly see a movie.  Dinner this evening with T & E!

Stay safe and God Bless America!

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