Sunday, January 18, 2015

It's Been a Long Time

But, finally, I am back!  Actually, I had intended to be writing posts way before this.  But it turns out that surgery is just plain exhausting.  The TKR went well.  I went into the hospital on Monday morning, December 1st, and they sent me home on Wednesday.  This was the shortest stay after a surgery in all my five surgeries since 2010.  We had a pretty good idea of what to expect and had prepared as much as possible.

I hit a small set-back and worry when a few days after I got home I started running a fever.  I had no other symptoms and I know that infections are always a threat, so I called my surgeon.  He was concerned about infection and put me on a high potency antibiotic.  I took all the pills and did everything he told me to do.  When I went back for the re-check, he said my knee looked good.  X-rays had been taken and he said everything looked fine.

We had nurses and physical therapists come to the house when I first got home.  The nurse was great, the PT people not so much.  They had a hard time keeping a schedule and were either late or didn't show up at all.  And instead of always having the same person each time it was several different people who did not communicate with each other.   That was the main reason I started the outpatient PT sooner than normal.

I have been doing physical therapy three times a week.  I am still using my cane.  It was nice to be able to put the walker away.  I do exercises at home also.  I still get tired very easily and am told that that is normal.  Part of that reasoning is the "age" clause. :)  But I am doing well and am doing things around the house and just last week I got to start driving again!

NurseJ has been a help.  Bikini came for a week to help us right after I got home.  It was nice to have her close.

Both girls are doing well, and their families are all  good.  NurseJ is at a work conference in Las Vegas.  Bikini has a work conference there next month.  Popular place!

Christmas was very nice, but very quiet.  Golfer and I got all the decorations down and packed up and put away.  And then some cleaning was done!

Our weather has been wet.  And cold.  And it seems like the days when it is warmer that is when it rains the hardest.  Golfer and his buddies haven't had much time on the golf course lately.

Our furry kids had a little adjusting to do when I first got home.  They didn't care for the walker, but soon got used to it and would just walk right under it and around it.  They weren't thrilled about all the strangers that had to come at first.  The doorbell would ring and they would go hide.  The boys seem to be better at hiding than Cinder though.  Here she is.  (you can't see her!)

So, we are very slowly getting back to normal around here.  I hope everyone is well and happy.  Stay safe!

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