Monday, August 25, 2014


Hey, all!  I'm sitting here in the sun and wind, watching some gorgeous waves!  It is beautiful!  Golfer is playing in the World Am Tournament in Myrtle Beach.  There are over 3,400 players on more than sixty courses.  Several of our friends are here also and we're all having a great time.

The week between our Ohio trip and this one was pretty busy.  I had an appointment with my orthopedic doc for the last injection in my right knee.  Now we wait to see if that is all going to help for a while.  So far, so good.  Except for the reaction I had to the last injection.  My BP dropped to 60/40 but it was only temporary.

Then I had a major dental appointment and our new dentist worked on three teeth.  That was the first dental appointment I've ever had where they said it was time to take a break and get out of the chair!  Total chair time was over two hours.  I have several more appointments set up and hopefully by the end of September will have all the dental work done and be in good shape.  Golfer goes to see him for the first time in a couple weeks.  I hope it goes well for him, too.  Everyone at this new office is very nice and friendly and helpful.  I always liked our "old" dentist that retired, but our new one is much more thorough.  Sadly, I have a mouth full of really old fillings that need attention, in addition to a few problems he found with the X-rays.

Our family is all doing well.  School will start for BeyB the day after Labor Day.  Still can't get my  head around her being a Junior!   Boxer and Bloomer are doing okay and getting into school routine there.  CutieGirl is standing and stepping on her own now!

The drive here was okay.  There was more traffic than we usually have and the restaurant where we usually stop for breakfast was super crowded.  Don't know what was going on there.  Driving through farm country I was surprised to see a lot of corn fields dried and brown.  Some were already cut down.  One farm was cutting as we drove by and they even had pumpkins sitting out by the road!  I guess time is just moving right along and Fall is almost here!

Stay safe!

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