Things are humming along here. I'm still going to physical therapy twice a week. Also, still having issues with my lower right leg and foot. I had a doctor's appointment and he says it could take at least two years to get back to "normal". That was discouraging. Since nothing I do seems to make it better, I've decided to just try to ignore it. That works better some days than others. But, hey, we all know I have a stubborn streak that rears its head sometimes! I am not giving in to this. So, anyway, life goes on. I'm going back to work tomorrow. I actually spent a couple hours at the office on Saturday cleaning out some piles and sorting through things so all would be ready. I appreciate the volunteers that covered things there while I've been out, but there were some things they couldn't handle.
It has cooled off here and has been in the 60's during the daytime and in the 40's at night. Thanks to our new increased attic insulation, I think, we have not turned the heat on yet. But the system is getting the annual check-up this week so we will be ready. We're still
I have slowly tackled some traditional "Fall cleaning". You know, window washing, extra mopping, stuff like that. I have started the Christmas shopping and will soon start on the annual letter. This year's ought to be a doozy after the Summer we had!
Golfer is in the process of having some major dental work done but is still playing golf as much as possible. Some rounds have been rather muddy lately.
So, all in all, life is good and on it goes. Stay safe! More later.
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