Thursday, September 15, 2011

Still Plugging Away

Hey, all! I hope all is well with everyone. Golfer and I are doing okay. I'm still going to physical therapy three times a week. Some days are better than others. I see my doctor the last week of this month.

It's sunny and bright here right now, but the TV weatherman says a front is coming with wind gusts up to 35 -40 mph and thunderstorms later today. Then tomorrow it will be only in the 60's, a sign that Fall is coming. Although here in Virginia we often go straight from using the A/C to using the heat and vice versa. Golfer is out mowing the grass right now and cleaning up the yard before it gets wet.

I've started our Christmas shopping! Because of the issues I am having with my right lower leg and foot, any shopping trips are fairly short and so far are confined to places where I can go and park right in front of the store. But so far, so good!

Golfer and I saw "Contagion" this week. Very good movie, but sort of creepy. Just wanted to get home and take a shower after! But it does an excellent job of explaining how an epidemic gets started and spreads.

Nothing else going on right now. Stay safe!

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