Hey, all!
Golfer and I just returned from a week's vacation with Bikini, Brief, Boxer, and Bloomer in Orlando, Florida! There had been lots of advance planning for this trip. Bikini found a house we could rent for the week that gave us lots of room and a pool! I had to get permission from from my doctor and physical therapist to travel. Basically, I can try to do anything I feel like, but was told several times to NOT ride anything that was bumpy, jerky, twisty, etc. Well, that ruled most things out, but Golfer rented me an electric scooter each day so I could keep up and have a place to sit while I "people-watched" while everyone else was riding things.
In case you're wondering, it was school break week for the kids. Their school starts August 1st in Georgia. And I think they saw different friends almost every day!
We had park hopper tickets for four days at Disney parks and tickets for one day at Universal. There is way more to do there than a person can do. I especially recommend Epcot. The Planet Earth ride was great!
Golfer and I took one day and went to Kennedy Space Center. Great place! We took a bus tour around the site. Golfer rode the launch simulator. We saw the Star Trek exhibit, too! One of the bus drivers told us that it was a "high activity" time for the wildlife. The Space Center is a wildlife preserve. Said we should watch out for gators - did not see any! We did see a huge eagles' nest. They estimated the nest was about 800 pounds up in a tall tree! The driver said the pair of eagles had been back to the same nest for about ten years.
The main event at
The weather was HOT and HUMID the whole time. And I mean take-a-step-outside-the-door-and-be-drippy-wet hot and humid. There were thunderstorms several times, but they really only caused us a problem on the first day. And we got absolutely soaked then! Had to go back to the house and dump the water out of our shoes!
And one other interesting note - it was love bug season there in Florida. Love bugs are long, little black bugs that "hook up" and then fly around together. They land on and in everything - you, your car, your food.... ick.
So now we're home and getting caught up and back to normal, if there really is any such state. The groceries are bought, the laundry is done, the mail has been read, and the house is cleaned. It was a magical time. And let me add that some days when you hear someone say to you "have a magical day" just one more time, you want to scream! That's the standard greeting at Disney.
Stay safe!