Monday, November 15, 2010


Today was my first day back to work. It went well. Sadly, I didn't think to take a camera with me to take a picture of my office before I started cleaning it up. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the work the ladies did in covering things. Most of them were volunteers and I wouldn't dream of complaining to them or about them. But one lady was getting paid to do my work.

Every flat surface in the office had some piles on it. And there were piles of stuff on the floor. Evidently, she didn't want to throw anything away while I was gone. So most of the morning was spent going through the piles and boxes, putting things away, getting things to the people where they should have gone, and bagging up three garbage bags of trash. And the rest of the time was spent trying to get my computer to work. It died while I was away. Repairs were attempted, but obviously were not successful. So that has to be dealt with.

Tomorrow is another day.

In other news, we had a wonderful visit with Golfer's brother, L, and his wife, V. They came for the weekend so L could play in a golf tournament with Golfer. They had a good time and wonderful weather. V and I had fun, too, although I can't really recommend going to the Premier Outlet Mall on a Saturday morning this close to Christmas! But it was fun.

It's cool here and is supposed to rain off and on for the next couple days.

I'm still going to physical therapy three times a week. It's going well. I may try the pool again tomorrow.

Boxer has been sick with strep throat, we're sending him good wishes. Hi, to Bloomer, too! And BeyB is getting the braces on her bottom teeth this week and we wish her well.

That's about all from here. Stay safe!

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