I have just realized that I have not posted anything since the last day of vacation! And it's not for lack of things going on!
So. We got home okay. The furry kids were fine; well taken care of by Lisa. Then there was laundry to do, errands to run, mail to pick up, bills to pay, groceries to buy, cleaning to do, yard work to do, jobs to go to, and on and on.
Golfer had to move into a new office in a new building. Same job, just new place. I helped a little with that.
We replaced our mailbox. That involved priming and painting the post white before the new box went on. It's an ARB approved PVC white one that supposedly will never need painting or upkeep. We'll see.
We also got a new bird feeder. It's made of recycled man-made material and it also is supposed to be low maintenance. Again, we'll see. The birds and squirrels like the new feeder; it passed inspection!
I have appointments set to get estimates on wooden privacy fence for the back yard. We are tired of dog poo in the yard when we have indoor cats. In the interest of having decent relationships with the neighbors, we are considering putting up a fence. The homeowners' office says we could file an anonymous complaint about the free running dogs and mess. But it wouldn't take too much brain power to figure out who the anonymous complainer was since we're the only ones affected. I've decided we have to pick our battles. And I love peace.
BeyB fell on the playground, bruised her face and broke her glasses. She's fine now and glasses are fixed. Nurse J has been sick and she is better. Nurse J also celebrated a birthday. A belated "Happy" to her! Since she was recovering and on antibiotics we did not do any celebrating, just dropped off gifts. CableGuy is fine.
Boxer finished Safety Camp and is now attending swim camp. Bikini says it is a great success and he likes it but it wears him out! Bloomer is doing well in her "big girl bed". She likes having room for more animals at night. Bikini has had an eye infection but she is doing okay now and getting to wear her contacts again. Brief is fine.

Work has been busy for both of us. There is also no lack of things that need doing around the house.
We are happy that we have finally had a mimosa tree live long enough to bloom!
More later! Stay safe!
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