Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hey, all!

Seems like it was another busy week, but there wasn't really anything too unusual going on. Golfer and I are fine. He's out . . . . . . . playing golf. I'm hoping they get their round finished before rain starts again. Seems like it's rained every day for forever around here.

Things have been busy at the church office with preparations for Rev. C's Sabbatical. He's going to be gone for three months.

I got out and yanked up a big bag full of weeds this morning. All the rain has really encouraged the weeds to grow. Does anyone know of anything that will stop Devil's Tongue from spreading? While I enjoy the orange flowers cascading down the wall, I could do without the vines taking over the back of the yard! Most of that bag of weeds was Devil Tongue sprouts and vines.

We are into the "triple H's" here in Virginia - hot, humid and hazy. I think the heat index is over 100 today.

I was just outside with the man from a fencing company. We've been getting estimates. Have to decide what we want to do now. And then if we decide to move ahead with getting fence, we have to fill out and submit all the forms and paperwork for the ARB.

Well, I just wanted to say "hey" to everyone. Stay safe!

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