Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hey, All!

So.... When I fed the furry kids early yesterday morning I discovered teeny, tiny ants in the kitchen. Just in one area; the same area where they seem to be every year about this time. I had hoped that the disturbance of tearing up old flooring and putting in new tile and all the accompanying mortar and grout would eliminate the problem, but not so.

When the kitties had finished eating, I took up all their dishes and emptied and scrubbed them. Sprayed the whole area with kitty-safe insecticide and hoped for the best. The ants started keeling over right away. When I returned home from work in the afternoon I didn't see any live ones, so I cleaned well, and put things back in place. It's been too windy to spray the ant shield liquid around the foundation outside. We've found that that helps, too, but it will have to wait until later.

It's a lovely day here. Warm, breezy. The windows are open and the furry kids are running back and forth. I've been outside to pull some weeds and do some cleaning up.

Golfer is due home this evening from visiting his brother in Ohio. Lar had major heart surgery recently. We're glad he's doing well.

Bikini reports that Boxer has two soccer games today. Boxer took Bikini to a Mother's Tea at his school. Bikini said it was lovely and a good time was had by all, complete with dressing up and drinking tea and having lots of goodies! Bloomer is keeping busy, too! They are all doing well.

Nurse J and Cable Guy are both working today, so I took BeyB up to her school to join three teachers and over fifty kids, and some parent chaperones for a geology field trip to a field mine in the mountains. BeyB's teacher asked me if I wanted to go along; five kids did not show up. They had to pay in advance, non-refundable, and it wouldn't have cost me anything. I passed on the offer, but said thank you. Nothing sounds like so much fun for a sixty year old woman with joint issues as a two to three hour bus ride (one way) (on a school bus!) to a field mine to dig rocks in the sun with over fifty pre-teen kids. Woo-hoo!!!! But I do hope they all have a good time and find some great rocks. BeyB was excited because her mom bought her a new messenger bag and she said she was going to fill it with rocks. I reminded her she had to be able to carry it home.

That's about it for now. Stay safe!

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