Saturday, January 29, 2022

Not Sure Where the Week Went

Huh. Here it is, Saturday again, and more cold temperatures and more snow!  Fortunately for us the forecast was wrong and we only got four or five inches of snow instead of the up to eight inches they had said.  And the gale force winds seem to have missed us, too.  Right now the sun is out and we're at thirty degrees.  There is some melting happening already!  Yay!

I've been taking care of things around the house and got some errands done this past week.  Grocery shopping is still a challenge.  The Commissary and the civilian grocery stores are all having supply issues and they all have some empty shelves and cases.  Sometimes it is just hard to make substitutions.

But Les and I are doing okay. We went out for dinner Tuesday evening for my birthday.  Very nice meal and nice time!  Thanks for the good wishes!

Since the view out our back door was so beautiful this morning, you know I had to take pictures. 

In spite of the cold and snow, a flock of robins came to our yard this afternoon.  I had to take the picture from our office window of this one.  I'm glad I filled the feeder yesterday!  I hope they can all find warm places to sleep tonight.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good!  And God Bless America!

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