Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hey, all!

Today is beautiful here!   It rained last evening as a front came through and this morning it was in the mid-60's.  Started out a little cloudy and then the sun came out.  I had to go to the Commissary and do a couple errands and it was lovely in the Mustang with the top down!  Most of the Summer it has been way too hot to have Duke's top down.

It's been a rough week around here for technology and electronics.  First the hacker with our computer and then the DVD player died.  It was only about two and half months old, so that was especially annoying. And, as if we don't all have enough to worry about, today's paper has an article about how hackers can get into our cars' computers and mess them up too.  Crap!

I got some yard work done yesterday - first since we got back from the beach.  There was some clean-up, pruning, weeding, and other usual stuff.  I replaced the ailing geraniums out back with two lovely yellow chrysanthemums.  Our yard is still soggy from all the rain, but looks pretty good right now.

I hope everyone is doing well.  Stay safe!

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