Hey, all!
I hope you're all well and happy! It's been a while since I posted anything, but we've been busy. All the regular stuff going on, work, doctors appointments, and vacation! Golfer and I just returned from a wonderful trip to Las Vegas. He had been there years ago on a TDY trip, and we sort of passed by when we were taking Nurse J and Bikini to Disneyland when they were little. So essentially, this was our first visit. It was big, bright, noisy, crowded, expensive and lots of fun! We stayed at the Bellagio, which is practically a small city in itself. This first picture is of the water show in the Bellagio fountains.
We're not big gamblers, but we did play some slot machines a little. We saw a great show at the MGM Grand - Lily Tomlin. She's as funny as ever. We saw The Blue Man Group at the Venetian. I wasn't sure what to expect on that one, but it was wonderful.
We went to the Liberace Museum - very flashy!
We went to the Hoover Dam. Very impressive! BTW, we looked, but couldn't find any traces of Optimus Prime or Megatron. :)
We had a pleasant drive through the Red Rock Canyon/Mojave desert area. That was beautiful. We were a little disappointed that we did not get to see the burros or ponies, but the scenery was lovely.
AND..... We renewed our wedding vows at the Elvis Chapel O'Love! Actually, the

So, now we're home. I'm back to work. We're catching up on things. The weather here has been warm enough that the cherry blossoms along Canon Boulevard are starting to bloom. The Bradford pear trees are all white, and the pink bud trees are blooming. Pollen season has started! Golfer is keeping busy. And yard work is on the "to-do" list.
Stay safe!