I wanted to share a couple more pictures. These first ones are from Garden of the Gods. This was taken the morning it was about 20 and starting to snow. It was still beautiful there.

These next two are from the Royal Gorge. The first is the view that always upset Nurse J when she was little. She was afraid she was going to fall through the bridge! The next is the view of what's under that bridge. Photo was taken from looking over the side.

On a side note, about my flight.... I was traveling alone since Golfer was traveling between business locations. All was well until the flight from Denver to Colorado Springs. It was late departing. After we all got on board and seated the pilot announced it was going to be rough and if we needed anything to just shout or wave; the flight attendants were going to stay belted in. Ominous. Take off was okay, and the flight wasn't too bad until we got close to landing. We were almost down, rocking back and forth, and all of a sudden up we went. We circled around again and on the second try we landed. Golfer said he saw the plane come in and then go back up and thought "what the heck!?" I was a little nauseous and had a headache, but all was well.
More later. Stay safe!
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