Friday, February 21, 2025

Spring Is Not Here Yet

We have more snow.  Serious snow.  I think we got around seven or eight inches.  Schools, businesses, etc. closed.  Some are just starting to reopen today.  

When I got up the first morning, our driveway and front walk were completely cleared.  MANY thanks to our very nice neighbor!  I know it was him because the only foot prints were from his house across the street to our side.  There were no tire tracks out there either.

Les and I are okayish.  The nurse and the Physical Therapist both came early Wednesday morning before the snow started. He is doing what he can.

We've been reading and watching some favorite shows.  I am feeling better, not great yet, but better, and have been doing some little extra odds and ends.

The downed limb, branches, and "stuff" that came down are all still out there in the yard.  It's all covered up with snow right now.

I need to refill the bird feeder soon.  There have been lots of visitors.  Finnigan almost wore himself out looking out the window watching!  This picture was taken shortly after the snow started.

Took this picture yesterday.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Be kind.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

No, We Have Not Fallen Off Earth

It's been a month since I've posted anything.  Lots going on.  Lack of time and energy.

Les fell twice and injured his back.  He fell because he had no strength due to another infection.  I called 911 and the EMTs were here quickly.  The hospital was a mess though.  It was so very crowded that Les was on a stretcher in the ER hallway all day.  Eventually he was admitted but we had to wait until there was a room for them to take him to.  After a couple days he was discharged, and we have had home health nurses, physical therapists, and an occupational therapist coming several times a week. Also had several doctor appointments and follow-up appointments. He is slowly getting a bit better, and still using the walker.

Shortly after getting him home, I got sick.  Our PCP wasn't available and I saw a PA who told me I had a virus after she tested me for Covid and Flu.  Those were both negative.  Told me to use Sudafed and Tylenol and I'd be better in three or four days.  I wasn't.  So I went to Med Express and was told I had acute bronchitis.  First thing they did was give me a steroid injection, then a thirty minute breathing treatment, then a chest x-ray.  It is now week three.  I have finished the steroid prescription, the antibiotics, and am still using the inhaler.  I am getting better, but still coughing more than I would like.

And that all explains why there have been no posts. I am helping Les as much as he needs and trying to get better.  Everything else is just not getting done.

Our weather has been cold, gray, and wet.  Although we did have a touch of snow again yesterday.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is still good.  I am still ready for Spring.  And God Bless America!

Monday, January 13, 2025



It snowed again here.  I have said before that I am ready for Spring.  Not that the snow isn't lovely, but I'm ready.  Les and I have not been out in it.  I ventured out and used our snow shovel to make a small path down the driveway to our mailbox.  Our driveway is mostly in the shade this time of year and this snow was wet and heavy.  I pushed the shovel and then tilted the snow onto the grass a little bit at a time.  Later that day, I heard noise outside and looked out and our neighbor was shoveling our driveway.  I went out and thanked him.  He said when he had gotten home he saw my path and thought that that just wasn't right.  We appreciated him very much!

So in other news, we bought a new coffee maker.  Works great!  It was delivered on Saturday.  

And Finnigan got a new box!

The weather forecast says we might get up to 50 today.  If so, some more snow will melt.  And there is a chance of flurries this evening. ❄

Take care and stay safe.  Life is still good.  Be kind.  And God Bless America!

Friday, January 10, 2025


So, I mentioned the possibility of snow in my last post.  This picture shows what we got.

I took this picture about 10:00 p.m. that night.  It has been very cold here all week and some of this snow is still on the mulch area across the back of the yard.  And now we are under a "Winter storm warning" and the forecast says up to 5" might happen.  We hope not, and don't expect that much right here.  But we will see.  In any event, Les and I don't have any plans to go out anywhere.

The week has been busy with appointments, some just recheck and follow-ups, and others not.  Turns out I have an infected eyelid gland.  I have antibiotic pills and eye drops, and use a warm compress on my eye.  It doesn't hurt as much today.

Other than going to appointments, I've been keeping up with things pretty well.  I went to the Commissary and stocked up.  Caught up on a bunch of desk stuff.

Life is still good.  Take care and stay safe.  Be kind.  And God Bless America!

Sunday, January 5, 2025



I thought this was funny.  But actually, I have done all sorts of things today.

Our area is under a "Winter weather advisory" now.  Hard to tell right now what we will be getting, but whatever we get, we're ready.  The forecast says, "rain, snow, maybe a mix, ice, wind", etc.  I was out and the deicer has already been put down on the main roads.  

Wherever you are, stay safe.  The Littles are hoping for a snow day for the first day back to school.  

I've just been taking care of things and catching up on some small projects.  Been cleaning some things out.  Future errands include going to the laundromat to wash our king size quilt and dropping off a donation at DAV. 

Take care and be kind.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year!


I hope you are all well.  Take care of yourselves.

Les and I are doing okay.  We took our large Christmas tree apart on Sunday and packed it up.  Everything is all un-decorated and put away.  I'm working on some cleaning projects this week.

Our "guys" came a few days ago and cleaned up leaves again, mowed, edged, and trimmed.  Since then we have had some windy days and leaves have blown in from somewhere.  I am hoping they blow back out.

It is cold again here and getting colder by the weekend.

Jacquie and family are back from Illinois.  They had a good time, stopped at a couple fun places along the way to Chris' Mom's house.  It's now back to work for Jacquie and Jordan and back to school for the Littles next week.

Pam says they are doing okay there. Pam is busy with lots of projects.

Les and I had our traditional snacks last evening and we watched "Wicked".  I loved it!  And then we were in bed and I was asleep about 10:30.  If there were any fireworks around at midnight, we didn't hear them. 🎆

Take care and stay safe.  Be kind.  Life is still good.  God Bless America!