Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Just Another Pretty Sky

I took this picture several days ago.  Today is gray, cloudy, and wet.  But that is okay.  It will help the new seed to sprout that the yard guys put down after aerating yesterday.  The sprinkler system is set up to run every day, too, to keep the seed moist.

I don't plan on any major yard work for a couple weeks unless there is an "emergency".  And that means in case the broken limb finally lets go and falls down on the patio.  It's on the Ash tree.  The tree guy looked at the tree when he was here removing the dead tree by the fence a couple months ago.  He told us there is something attacking Ash trees in the area, but a lot of them recover.  So it was decided we would not do anything about the tree at that time.  We're hoping next Spring it gets lots of new green leaves.  This broken limb is a recent thing and I have no idea what happened to it.  I just know we aren't going to spend big bucks to have it removed from the tree.  We will be patient and wait for it to fall down! 

Les had his annual eye appointment yesterday.  All okay except he needs to have a corrective laser procedure for scar tissue from cataract surgery a few years ago.  That happens, in case you didn't know.  I have had the same procedure twice.  

Today I had my annual mammogram.  The appointment was at 8:00.  I received the results by 9:00.  All okay and next year's appointment is scheduled.

Tomorrow we are getting our senior flu vaccines. 

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!

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