Wednesday, April 13, 2022

More Yard Pictures


Different view of the back corner of our yard.  It's getting more sun than it has ever had now that the very large, old pine tree has been removed.  It was sad; it was a lovely tree, but it dropped hundreds of cones, thousands of needles, and many branches.  Our neighbor was afraid it would fall down and damage the houses.

This is a closeup of the Azalea in the first picture.  This is the most blooms it has ever had!  The other smaller Azalea back there has buds on it but not opened yet.

It's a nice sunny, warm day here.  Our power washing guy was here earlier and everything is clean and in the process of drying.  While on our roof he saw that our neighbor has loose shingles sliding off her roof, so I went over and told her.

Our A/C system was checked out yesterday and it is all good and ready to use.

I will be washing windows sometime soon.  Life is good.  Stay safe and take care of yourselves.  

God Bless America!

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