We've been keeping up with things, or at least trying to. 😊
We have more things growing and blooming in the yard. The grass continues to sprout and grow in the worked on areas. Azaleas are starting to bloom. The sweet shrub is blooming, too. The Liriope in front of the porch is getting new leaves. Everything is green and the pollen is heavy. I wear a mask when I go out to clean off the porch and walk.
As I write this, we are waiting for the service call to check out the A/C system and have it ready. We won't be leaving it on after the man is done though. I just put on a sweatshirt! It is cloudy and in the mid-60's today. It's probably just me though. I feel really tired and achy and cold.
Tomorrow we have the power washing people scheduled to get that all done. And that means that in the near future, I will be cleaning the windows and doing some other "Spring" cleaning around here.
I worked in the garage over the weekend and straightened the shelves and swept and wiped and cleaned up. Got rid of some expired things, and also mopped half the floor. The other half of the garage will require Les' attention for looking and cleaning out since that is the side with tools and golf equipment. Although I can go ahead and clean the floor sometime when the MDX is out of the garage. Felt good to get that job done though.
Next week we have a couple appointments scheduled. Nothing definite is finalized for Easter. A lot depends on weather.
Jacquie took the girls for a little "trip" to explore a bit. The girls had Spring break last week. Jacquie sent me this picture of Little Miss E. And since you all know I love sky pictures, and the grandchildren, here she is!
As far as I know everyone is doing okay. The kids all back in class now after breaks. Everyone is busy.
The state of the world is the same. Covid cases are rising again and we are being encouraged to wear masks again. Actually, I never stopped the mask wearing completely. I keep them handy when being out and about and use one depending on situations.
Stay safe and take care of yourselves. Remember life is good. God Bless America!
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