Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Just An Update

I hope everyone is doing okay.  I know some of you have been, or are, sick with various viruses and such.  Take care of yourselves and try to stay safe.  It seems like there is a lot of "stuff" going around.

As for Les and me, we are okayish.  He had the MRI on his leg Sunday morning, and will see the orthopedic doctor next week to get results and find out what's next.  The cortisone injection and having fluid taken out of his knee helped relieve it, but it still isn't great.

His speech therapy has started.  The people are very nice and have given him homework to do every day.  He goes twice a week.  

He is moving around a little better and thinking of things he wants to do.  We went out for breakfast Sunday morning after the MRI.  

I am doing alright and trying to keep up with things.  There is yard work I'd like to do, but I'm still waiting for the right weather for doing that.  To be honest, I am still feeling some of the side effects from a recent antibiotic I was on.  The effects got so bad I told the PA I was stopping it, and she agreed.  That medication is going on my list! 

It's sunny here today, but in the 50's and windy.  I was out cleaning pollen off the porch this morning and it feels cold!

When Pam was here helping us during Les' hospital stay and after, she and I agreed that the fold out chair-into-a-bed that we had bought for our bonus room was not so great to sleep on.  Fortunately she had brought a thick foam mat to put on it and that helped.  But we are now ready for the next time!  I bought a twin bed for the upstairs.  It is currently set up lengthwise against the wall.  We'll see how that works out, might decide to shift it around.  The elliptical machine is on the left side, out of the picture.

 Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good, consider the alternative.  

And God Bless America!

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