Sunday, October 25, 2020

It's Been a While

I hope everyone is well and safe.  Stay that way, please!

My time on the computer has been limited lately due to severe pain in my right hand and arm.  I have developed Carpal Tunnel in both hands.  It is much worse in my right arm. I first noticed some problems with numbness and tingling in both hands around the first of the year and had seen our doctor.  The ordered testing had to be rescheduled due to my hip surgery and Covid getting into the area.  Then the testing was postponed again and finally cancelled.  So I had to start over, but the EMG testing was done and was not fun.  The results showed that one nerve in my right arm had no response.   So, tomorrow morning I check into the hospital for surgery that will hopefully make it better.  And after the right side is all healed and functioning we'll fix the left one.  The pain had starting getting much worse in September and the problem is way past any other treatments now. 

So, "in a nutshell", I will be "offline" for a while recuperating.

I have been doing what I can around home and taking care of things.  

Our weather has been back and forth.... warm, cool, warm, cool.  Today it's in 50's, dark, and raining again.  Remember time changes next weekend!

Our girls and families are doing okay.  Everyone is busy. Kids are doing okay with school.

Take care and stay safe.  God Bless America!

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