Saturday, July 7, 2018

Hooray! Rain!

Finally, we have gotten some rain!  It's been in the weather forecasts a few times, but never hit here.  Even with the sprinkler system, things were looking dry.  But last evening and during the night we finally got some rain.  Things look greener already!

Because of the rain Les decided to not play golf, so we are just "potting around" the house today.  Watched a movie, spent time on the computer, I did the usual stuff.  We went to Mission Barbecue for lunch and had some delicious sandwiches.

Pam sent us a belated anniversary gift of two lovely quilted pillow covers.  We love them!  My Mom always said it was nice to spread out special occasions.  😊

Life is good!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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