Monday, August 21, 2017

Happy Eclipse Day!

I hope you all have your glasses, or made viewing boxes, and will be very careful.  But enjoy this natural event!  We have our glasses and are ready here.

Les and I are doing well.  Just been busy keeping up with things.  We updated our wills and legal paperwork.  Which led to cleaning out the safe box a bit and doing some shredding.  I had an ENT appointment for my ears.  Not ready for hearing aids yet they say.  Les had a dermatology check-up.

And then since he took a day off from golf and we went to breakfast a couple days ago, and that led to us stopping at the Cub Cadet store, we bought a new mower!  We debated a while on the pros and cons and finally decided "work smarter and easier, not harder".  The mower was just delivered this morning.  So far it has been driven from the driveway back into the shed.  :)  Please note that they even gave him a new hat.

The sprinklers were on this morning so it is too wet for him to try it right now. He is reading the instruction book.  I'll keep you posted.

Stay safe and God Bless America!

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