Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hey, Everyone!

I hope you are warm and dry where you are!  We had a couple really cold days.  Then today was in the high 50's.  But by Tuesday it's going to be in the 20's again.  Virginia.  Back and forth.

I mentioned I usually go into "clean out " mode after the first of the year.  I tackled the cabinets under the bathroom sinks.  Threw out a whole big bag of stuff.  Great things like multiple cans of the waterless cleanser they give you in the hospital.  I never felt like I should just throw those away.  Our insurance probably paid $100 a can!  So under the sink they went. I decided I was never going to use them, so out they went.  Also in the trash went the twenty year old nail polish and old lipsticks I  had been saving for some reason.  I was ruthless!  I also took inventory of the first aid supplies and have restocked as necessary.

The file cabinet got cleaned out and I spent some time shredding papers.  Gives a feeling of accomplishment, but what a mess!  Then I worked on my spreadsheets and got them ready for our tax guy.

I'm not sure what I will tackle next.  I'm thinking the closet and dressers in the bedroom.

Another project to work on is learning to make ice cream in the new machine Golfer got me.  I'll let you know how that turns out.  It has a motor but also a hand crank.  So now we have a possibility when the grandchildren are here and have too much energy!  :)  Golfer's family made ice cream with a hand crank churn.  It was always great and tasted even better when you had to work for it!

We went to see "Desolation of Smaug".  I like the Hobbits. But if I hadn't known there was another movie coming, I would have been really, really upset at the ending of this one!  Spoiler alert:  It ended with them not retrieving the Arkenstone, Gandalf was locked in a cage, and the dragon was flying off to burn the village.  Geez!

That's about it from here.  Stay safe and stay warm!

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