Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Some Random Thoughts and Things I Expect and Want

I expect courtesy, honesty, and manners.

I want to hear "please" and "thank you".

I want other drivers to obey the yield and stop signs, all laws, and stop texting, tweeting and phoning (unless it's a Blue Tooth device)  And on the topic of driving, I really don't want to be sitting next to you in traffic while you are behind the wheel putting on your make-up, reading the paper or shaving!

I want people to be kind to animals and children.

When I ask someone a question, I expect an answer; even if it's just a "no" or "I don't want to talk now".  Don't ignore me.  I'm flexible, I can ask you again later.

And my most recent want  . . . .  when I go into Starbucks, I want the coffee I like to be brewed and ready and the barristas actually paying attention to the customers!  They are a coffee shop.  How can they let the coffee run out??

Stay safe.  (I'm trying Starbucks again in the morning!)

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