Monday, July 31, 2023


We've had a break in the weather here.  It's still hot and humid, but at least the heat index is not over 100!  

We are doing alright.  I'm still trying to keep up with things.  I hope to get out some time and do some more work in the yard this week.  Those weeds just do not stop growing!  The heat has been a bit tough on some plants; so far nothing has completely died.  But those pesky weeds seem to thrive!

Not really a lot to write about, but I wanted to just say hi.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good.  God Bless America!

P.S. This made me laugh!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool.  Good luck with that!

We had a slight break in the temperature here a few days ago.  It was a brief break, but it was enough for me to go out really early and get the front shrubs trimmed and the area cleaned up.  Looks a lot better!  And Les got the mowing done.  I'm so glad we bought the riding mower a few years ago.

I have had several interactions with AI chats or whatever you want to call them.  I would like to say they are not helpful.  After multiple attempts to get help, I finally got a live person.  Unfortunately, she was evidently in another country.  I had no idea what she was saying with such a strong accent.  I asked for her to transfer me to someone else and she said she couldn't.  She just talked slower and louder.  That did not help much.  So, here is a word of customer service advice to all companies:  Please make sure your employees can speak clearly and be understood before you put them on the phone!  I have no idea if she has taken care of the problem or not.  BTW, this was with Amazon.  And if I could get another live person, I would tell them this myself. 😊

I don't know if Finnigan thinks it's cooler under the ottoman, but he has started resting there.  Sometimes he has toys under there, too.

Angus has been more of a lap-sitter lately.  Here's a close-up from the other evening.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is good.  And God Bless America!

Friday, July 21, 2023

High Aspirations


This poor holly bush has had a couple rough years.  For a quite a while it was shaded by the neighbor's  very large, very old pine tree.  She had it removed for safety reasons and everything in this corner of our yard is now growing better than ever.  Then the bush had a complete dead limb happen and I had to prune it out.  That made it pretty lop-sided.  That has filled in pretty well now.  And this sweet bush now has a growing, long stem? branch? growing right up the middle.  When I first noticed it, I thought maybe I should prune it.  Then I decided to let it go and let it grow.  It is really making an effort.  There is another holly bush in this area, it might just be showing off. 😊

Les and I are doing alright.  I've completed several larger cleaning and housekeeping projects since my last newsy post.  There is yard work waiting to be done.  But honestly, with heat index temperatures at 100 or higher, those chores are waiting.  (I am not stupid) 😀

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.  Take care of yourselves.  Life is good.  God Bless America!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

This Made Me Laugh!

This is from today's newspaper, "Pickles" funny.

Stay safe and take care of yourselves.  Remember to laugh!  Life is good and God Bless America!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

A Thought

While reading the "AARP Bulletin", I saw this quote from Michael J. Fox

"Optimism is sustainable.  If you can find something to be grateful for, then you can find something to look forward to."

Sounds like a good idea.  Every day is a gift, be grateful.

Stay safe people.  God Bless America!

I'm ending this post with a picture from one of our favorite restaurants in South Carolina, Bimini's.  Life is good, no matter what.  

BTW, that is a Grouper basket.  I love it!  And I don't usually eat seafood.

Friday, July 7, 2023

I Wonder What I Was Looking At??

Pat was recently going through some "old" pictures and sent me a couple.  Sadly, I do not remember where this was or what I was seeing out that window.  😌

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good.  And God Bless America!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

I'm Just Saying....

Doesn't everyone have a day like that every once in a while??  😊

 Have a good day and take care of yourselves. 😊   

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


I hope you are all having a safe, peaceful, and happy Independence Day!  

We are having a quiet day here.  It's hot and humid and the heat index is moving to over 100 degrees.

The patio work is done.  Since I last posted about it, I have been out to scrub the siding and our chairs.  I bought three small gray side tables that go well with the chairs.  We plan to get a large umbrella and possibly another chair.  It would be nice to have something like a lounge chair, but unfortunately, those are all made too low.  We need something higher so we could actually get out of it! 😊

Then on another day, I went out and took care of the Hydrangeas.  They have been beautiful this year.  They needed to be dead-headed and cleaned up.  All the stone dust and then moisture was not good for them.  But they are still blooming and lovely.  I tidied up the mulch and moved a bit of the extra to another area where it was needed.  And then pulled weeds and tidied up in another area.  There is still yard work waiting to be done, but that is for another day.  When it is this hot, I do not do yard work unless it's early in the day.

And then another day, I cleaned all the windows.  The ones on the side of the house and across the back were especially nasty with stone dust that had turned to a clay-like substance with moisture. And there was some flung about mud, too.  But that is all cleaned up now.

Our girls and families are doing well.  Everyone is busy.  Jordan's job is going very well!

Here are pictures I took this morning of the patio so far. This is still a work in progress.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good.  And God Bless America!