Thursday, April 23, 2020

Another Learning Experience, or This Is What Life Has Become Now

Since we were completely out of bananas, Les asked last night if we were just going to wait until Monday for some. We have a grocery pick-up scheduled for Monday at the Fort Eustis Commissary.  I told him I had been thinking about getting up early this morning and trying Sam's "Senior" shopping.  He said, "okay".  So we set the alarm for 6:00 a.m. and got there about 6:50.  Let's just call it a learning experience; and one we will have to think about a long time before repeating.  We got there expecting to see some other people.  The line went all across the front of the store and then back through the parking lot to the back end of it.  At 7:00 they started letting people in and at one point they stopped and we waited some more.  Finally we were in the store.  The man at the door said they were out of TP and towels, but as we got into the store I saw people with it in their carts and finally asked.  A man said if I ran I might find some at the far back of the store.  Never did find any; we both looked.  But we got bananas, and some other fruit. I just cut up some of the watermelon we bought and it is really good.  Les found sanitizing wipes and we bought some "under the checkout counter" hand sanitizer. They don't even put that out on a shelf; you have to ask for it and are limited to one bottle.  So that was our activity this morning. At least everyone was being considerate in line at Sam's and spacing, wearing masks, and most wearing gloves.  No line when we checked out.  But we never expected so many people!

On the way home we went to the drive-through at a Starbucks and got coffee and muffins and I made scrambled eggs when we got home.  And now we are safely home and in for the day.

This "funny" (is it really???) was shared by Jacquie on FB.  It pretty well sums up my feeling on things opening up too soon.

Stay in, stay safe, and God Bless America!  Life is still great.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Just Saying Hi!

I had a little setback over the weekend.  Physical therapy last Friday was a little too much and it aggravated nerves in my right hip and down my leg.  That is slowly getting better, and I am being careful.  I had PT again today and talked it all over with the therapist.  He says we will be more careful.  So far, so good.

We had some rain and we are due for some more, but right now it is a sunny 73.  Getting a little windy though. 

Les and I are keeping up with things around the house.  He has the yard looking very nice.  Our azaleas are blooming and they are very pretty.

Nothing much going on.  We're staying in, being careful.  I hope you are doing the same.

Life is great, even when stressful.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

p.s. I hate taking "selfies" 😊

Friday, April 17, 2020

Just Some Notes and Updates

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Please continue to be careful and stay home.

Les and I are doing okay.  Taking care of things around our home, being careful.  I have started outpatient PT at the clinic where I have gone several times in the past.  They are being very careful, everyone wears masks, and they only schedule one patient at a time.  And as always, everything is always wiped down and cleaned.  It is going pretty well, and I only have to go twice a week because I have been working hard on the exercises here at home.  I tested well on the initial visit and my therapist was happy with my progress.

Our weather has been pretty good.  Today it is sunny and going to get to about 70.  We still have lots of pollen floating around.  The yard is looking pretty good.

I have had a full day already.  PT was at 8:00 a.m., a good workout.  Then I did a drive-through prescription pick-up, a drive-through ATM visit, a drive-through mail drop-off, and a drive-through Starbucks pick-up.  (because I hadn't wanted to drink a lot of coffee before my PT) 😊 Then I came home and rested and enjoyed my coffee.

Les has been out this morning donating blood.  He says that went okay and he is back home now.

The annual "guys' golf trip" has been rescheduled for September.  The annual Retirees tournament in Myrtle Beach has been rescheduled for November.  Both tentative and hopefully will happen.  We'll see.

We had tickets for "Wicked" at Chrysler Center and that has been cancelled.  Refund will be coming sometime.  Honestly, we are not surprised and were not anxious to sit in a crowded theater full of people anyway. 

Our girls and families are still doing okay.  We are all being careful and staying in.  The online and home schooling is going okay as far as I know.

Shopping is being done online.  Delivery times are getting longer and longer.  Grocery shopping is challenging.  Jacquie is helping us with that, although Les and I did gear up and go to the Langley AFB Commissary wearing masks and gloves and taking sanitizing wipes along with us. We had not actually done any Commissary shopping since before my surgery.  Retirees are only allowed on the bases on Mondays and Tuesdays, the Commissary was very busy.  But we got most of what we needed.  Won't have to go again for a while.  And then we'll probably do the online ordering and pick-up at Fort Eustis, now that I know I have to plan that a week ahead!

So, here we are.  Les and I are being careful.  Our furry boys are doing their part.  Here are Angus and Cecil practicing their social distancing.  At the time the pictures were taken, Finnigan was under a quilt on my lap.

Stay safe!  Life is still great!  God Bless America!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

An Excursion!

Les and I left the house to do an errand this morning.  We were probably not gone for more than fifteen minutes; the errand was here in Kiln Creek.  We wore our masks, did not get out of our car, did not touch anything, did not get close to anyone else.  Someone brought our purchases out and put in the trunk.  This is life as we know it now.

Thanks, Pam!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

COVID - 19

Where to start???  I have tried to not focus on this too much when posting. Perhaps I've just seen too many movies and read too many books where there has been a major pandemic that threatens to destroy the world.  But I really have to wonder about things.

I worked for veterinarians for quite a few years and Corona virus was something that they looked for in dogs. It was treatable.  I don't remember ever hearing anything about it being a risk to humans.  And all of a sudden it has mutated and is causing so much sickness and death.  In the books and movies, something like that happens because some evil scientist changed the virus in his lab.  But "stuff" happens and here we are.

I have many issues with all the people who have ignored the warnings and the instructions to stay in.  They are not just risking their own health.  The ones I am most annoyed with are all the people who swarmed the beaches for Spring break.  Even though the beaches have been closed, people are still there!  And second on that list are the ministers who continue to hold worship services for large groups of people saying no one has the right to tell them they can't worship. Stupid!  Also selfish!  Someone who wants to worship can and will find a way to do so on their own.  Many preachers are doing online worship services.  I know for a fact it is entirely possible to talk with God every day on your own without being surrounded by hundreds of people.  I do not need a minister to direct me.

As for Les and me and our family, we are good so far.  I continue to recuperate from my surgery.  We are staying in.  If we do have to go out somewhere, we are very careful.  Almost all shopping is done online.  We are not going out to eat (obviously). We are not going to Starbucks.  Les is not playing golf.  The "Y" is closed.  We are taking care of each other.

Even in unsettling times like this, life is good.  Stay safe and God Bless America!  And in spite of everything, remember to be grateful!

I will close this with a pleasant picture of our back yard.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Just Stuff

I hope everyone is being careful, staying in, and taking care of themselves and their families.  Les and I are doing okay so far.  And our girls say they are okay at their homes.

I mentioned before that some friends were doing Spring cleaning and I would be, too, if I was moving better and had less pain.  Some of those friends are really hunting for things to keep busy and getting odd jobs done.  One has cleaned out all their old alcohol and one has alphabetized her spice drawer.  Some are cleaning out closets.  One has been spending lots of time in her gardens.

We've been reading and watching movies.  Yesterday we cleaned the garage.  And by "we" I mean Les picked up and moved everything and I stayed out of the way and said "keep it" or "toss it".  😊  Nice to get that done!  We'll work on the shed sometime soon, too.

The sprinkler system guys were here and that is ready to turn on when we need it.

The A/C check was this morning.  All work done outside and he didn't come inside.  We did not have to touch anything or sign anything.  The A/C is ready when we need it, too.

Then we had a call from the people who do the power washing for us.  I had called several  months ago to get on their list for April or May.  I don't really think this is an essential service, but maybe he needs the money.  Regardless, he's coming on Friday and that work will all be outside, too.

The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I was about going to outpatient PT. Just didn't feel it was worth the risks.  I called and talked with them and have postponed for now.  I will continue to do all the exercises here at home.  They said to call when I was ready.

These Easter pillow covers have been cheering us up!  Thanks, Pam!

Stay safe and take care of yourselves.  Life is good!  God Bless America!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Some More Progress and Other Updates

Les and I are still doing okay, staying in, being careful.  I have been released from the home health care.  I have an appointment with the physical therapy department at the orthopedic clinic this coming week.  I do have several questions and want to know the exact safety of going right now.  If I do not feel comfortable, I will postpone the PT and continue doing my exercises at home.  The PT is important, but I see no reason to take risks if I do not feel safe.  I do know the clinic is trying very hard to keep things sanitized and clean.

I have put the walker away in the closet and am using my cane now.  I can feel that I am getting a little stronger.  My pain level is a bit lower now.  Dr. Aldridge prescribed a different pain medication and that is helping.  The advice and instructions from the head PT person were to try whatever I felt like doing, but do it carefully and slowly and if it hurt stop right away and don't do it again.  That's pretty good advice for any situation really.

Jacquie and Pam both tell us that they are all okay so far and are being careful at their homes.

You've heard me mention the Spring "Guys' Golf Trip" in previous years.  It has been officially postponed and rescheduled for September with the option to change it again if needed.  We still have not gotten any decision on the Military Retirees Tournament that is every year during Memorial Day week, but I honestly don't think we'll be going.  Stay at home, shelter in place orders, and let's just admit right now Covid-19 is not going to just hurry up and go away any time soon.  We will all adjust.

We did get a call from the people that were scheduled to come to install a new bath tub/shower and surround in our guest bath. They are not coming.  And we are okay with that and were not at all surprised.  I really did not feel comfortable having them come to do the work now anyway.

As I'm writing this we are waiting for the sprinkler system guys to come turn on our system.  Their work is all outside, so I think we're okay there.  Speaking of outside....our Azaleas are starting to bloom, the Liriope are coming up, the Hydrangeas have all sorts of bright green leaves and buds, and the young tree in the backyard is blooming lovely lavender flowers.

We drove by "our" Starbucks" the other day when we were out picking up my new prescription at the drive-through at the pharmacy.  All the patio furniture was gone at Starbucks, and the inside looked empty from the lot.  We did not get out and look in the windows.  That location does not have a drive-through so it is at least temporarily closed.  Might re-open, might not.  We'll see.

Friends are telling me they are getting all kinds of Spring cleaning done while they are social distancing.  If I was feeling stronger and moving better I would be doing some of that, too.  But I will get there.

It's been a bit since I've posted any artwork.  Pam sent a picture of a fantastic Lego creation that Boxer did.  It is based on "Stranger Things".

So, life remains good, but different.  Still lots of things to worry about, but also lots of things to be thankful for.  Stay safe and God Bless America!