I have mentioned in previous posts that I no longer watch the news religiously. Many things brought me to that decision. I have had enough of President Trump being criticized (give the man a chance, he can't fix things overnight), enough of terrorists, bombings, shootings, stabbings, road rage, and on and on. I do scan the news and see enough so I am not oblivious to what is going on in the world though. Having said that, I came across two reports recently that caught my attention.
The first was a report on
Project Sanctuary to help military families. It's in Colorado and is set up as a camp resort for the families. If you've never had any connection to someone in the military, any branch, you may not know or understand some of the things involved in this life. The active duty person frequently gets assigned somewhere for a long period of time. They go to serve and the wife, or husband, stays home and deals with everything else. And most of the time there are children. So the person serving our country is doing their job and the spouse is handling everything else and helping the children cope with Dad or Mom being gone. Some can handle this, and some need help.
What happens is that the one at home - and the children - learn to deal with things in their own way. Then when the tour of duty is done the military person comes home and often thinks everything will be done in their way or be the same as it was before they left. That rarely happens.
Now there are programs to help prepare the person coming home. And usually things do work out just fine and everyone is happy. But sometimes a little extra help is needed. Good luck and thank you to all the people who are running
Project Sanctuary! Les had a couple long assignments; during the first, since we had just been married for six months, I went back home and got a job and saved money for our first new car. The second time, Jacquie and Pam were in school and doing well and we stayed here in Virginia while he was gone. That time was harder, but we handled it.
When you are the one at home and responsible for keeping the kids safe, most do what needs to be done. Speaking from experience, you learn to handle the electrical, plumbing, and heating problems that come up in your home. You learn to take care of the car. But you focus on the kids. Love will get you through it though.
And then I saw a report on
The Wing. This just disgusted me and makes me worry about our future. According to the report,
The Wing has been started with multiple locations of women's workplace clubs. That is a loose term in my opinion since even though there are desks and computers and work spaces, there are also drinks and parties, and social events. And
no men are allowed.
Here's where I get upset. If men can't have their clubs and private spaces and have to allow women in, women should not be allowed to have private clubs where men are not allowed. And before someone shouts about the
#me, too movement, how about we just all consider trying to act like decent human beings and not do anything to hurt each other? Yes, I know there are creepy men out there who have hurt women. And yes, they should be punished. But there have also been women who have hurt men, too. How many years ago did someone say "Can't we just all get along"?
I was raised by a strong Mom. She worked hard, she got no support from my father. I always felt loved and never felt deprived of anything. She taught me that I should work hard, be strong, and be kind. I like to think that I have done that. I know that Les and I have raised two wonderful, strong, intelligent, responsible, and kind daughters. And they are raising our grandchildren well.
So, in a nutshell, stop complaining and picking on each other, get on with things. To all the super sensitive generation who seem to have to have security spaces and special consideration and have hissy fits if things are not exactly their way, I have to say, suck it up and get on with your lives. You are not the only person in the world. Think of others! Pay attention! At some point in the far future, if everyone is only concerned with themselves, who do you think is going to take to care of you??
Life is great! Stay safe and God Bless America! And NO WHINING!