Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Sunday, February 25, 2018

A Lot Has Happened Since Thursday

Sigh.  So.  Les started not feeling well and we figured he had gotten some hospital cooties from us being there in the ER so long.  So we got him an appointment for Friday morning with our GP.  My itchiness and redness continued to worsen and I needed to be seen, too, at my surgeon's office.  Around this same time, the electricians we were expecting for late Friday or on Saturday, called early Friday morning and said they were on the way.  We ended up having to get Jacquie to help us and come sit here while they worked and we were out.

I'll start with Les.  I think he is slowly getting better.  They couldn't really test him for the flu since there have been so many cases they've run out of the tests.  He has had off and on all over achiness, fever, etc.  and also a UTI causing issues.  He has several new meds and is doing okay so far.  It is not helping that the weather has been in the upper 70's and lovely and he hasn't been able to be out playing golf.

My surgeon was not in the office, so I saw his NP.  She took one look, sort of stifled a gasp, said "oh, my" and then checked it out.  Then got another doctor to come be back up.  So I also have a couple new meds and was told to be sure to put "allergic reaction to surgical scrub and adhesives" on my list.  I am also slowly getting better.  They said it could take ten days or longer; but so far, so good.  I see my doctor again on Wednesday.  We are both just taking it easy and not doing much.

The electricians did a great job, got everything done we wanted, and did some clean-up.  There was a bit more clean-up to be done and Les and I were working on that when I discovered a ticking noise.  It was coming from the refrigerator and the front control panel had no lights.  The owners' manual was no help at all.  It took at least a half hour to reach an actual person at GE.  There was one thing for us to try and it did not help.  The man had given me a number for service.  They don't service what they haven't sold.  The store where we bought our appliances is surely going out of business.  They no longer have a service department.  We have a service call for sometime tomorrow with someone we know nothing about.  The things from our freezer have moved over to Jacquie's freezer.  We are coping.  I will keep you posted.

So, in a nutshell, we are both not feeling well,  we are both tired, and we are wondering what is coming next.

Life is still good though.  Take care and stay safe.  God Bless America!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Happy Birthday, Mr. Washington!

With all the medical fun around here, I almost missed this!  The previous post tells you how we spent "Presidents Day".

Well! That Was Not What We Expected

First let me say that I am home and up and functioning slowly.  Even put on my shoes and tied them all by myself today!

This current medical adventure started late Sunday afternoon.  I had been doing some cleaning out in the drawers and cabinets in the dining room earlier and then I started having some mild discomfort in my mid-back area.  I figured I had just tweaked a muscle reaching in and out and bending, even though I was very careful.  I took a couple Tylenol and tried not to think about it.

Unfortunately, the pain got worse overnight and moved around from my back to my front and up into my chest.  That was when it got scary and we were up and in the ER by 7:30 Monday morning.  Their focus was the chest pain first so they did EKGs and started other labwork.......then x-rays.  Once they determined that my heart,  lungs, liver and kidneys were all fine and I did not have a UTI, the main doctor came in and started poking around.  He hit a painful spot and ordered a CT scan.  That was followed by an ultrasound.  It was determined that my gall bladder was enlarged, inflamed, had some stones, and "sludge".  They gave us this information along with the news that the surgeon had been called and would be in my room soon. 

I had really been hoping to get through this year without any surgery.   ðŸ˜Š  Didn't happen.  Sigh.

They wheeled me off to the pre-op area and very quickly there was a flurry of activity and away we went.  After I was under the anesthesia, the surgeon injected some dye to make sure there were no stones stuck in any ducts.  There weren't.  Yay!  So he was able to do the surgery laparoscopically.  I have four smallish incisions currently being held together with surgical super glue. (it itches) I see the surgeon for a post-op check next Wednesday.

At the risk of sharing too much information, did you all know that when this surgery is done they take your gall bladder out through your belly button???  (eeeewwww!)

I am on the mend.  Les got me home from the hospital late Tuesday afternoon.  I showered and got in my own jammies and sat down to read the paper and promptly fell asleep.  I have taken frequent naps since getting home.  Normal for anesthesia fog.

We asked if I needed to take medication to replace anything since I no longer had a gall bladder and we were told "no".  Supposed to avoid rich, fatty, greasy foods.  The doctor told us some people have no problems after the removal and others have some issues in varying degrees.  Eat carefully and see what I can tolerate.  So far, so good, and right now I really don't have much of an appetite anyway.  BTW, those "issues" are usually explosive diarrhea, so we are hoping that I can avoid that.  😊

In other news,  our weather has been warm and rather wet.  Definitely feels like Spring right  now.  The yard guy was just here doing the first lawn treatment for Spring.  We finally heard from our electrician; he is sending someone in the next couple days to see what all we need done.  Our tax guy's assistant called and they needed a form we hadn't sent with our pack of info.  Les took it over to them yesterday.

As far as I know all is well with our girls and families.  Everyone is busy.

LIFE IS GOOD!  Stay safe and God Bless America!


I'll be honest, I've never really given my gall bladder a lot of thought.  Before I started writing this post I looked it up and got a picture.  I am pretty sure this is not an accurate description;  this one is really, really green!  Sort of looks like a fat zucchini. 😊

Sunday, February 18, 2018


How is it that we have four grand-daughters (and one grandson) and I still have to get cookies from strangers????  I suppose there might be a chance with The Littles someday  😊😊😊😊😊

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Some Thoughts on Email

I like email.  I like getting hand written letters, too, but those are few and far between.  I am safety conscious and do not open every email that comes in.  If I don't recognize a name or subject it goes straight to the trash file.  Select and trash!

Having made that clear, let me say that some of the emails that show up in my inbox are a hoot!  

For instance....... just recently I was selected to be in a medical cannabis trial!  Woo-Hoo!!  Don't get excited, that one did not get opened.  I could also have many, many new friends!  They are mostly from Asia and Russia and we would probably have some language difficulties, but the subject lines said pictures were available.  (I bet!!)  (I did not look)   Every now and then there is a Nigerian Prince trying to contact me.  He must be getting really disappointed by now.

So, stay safe, people!  In the words of Pam------ DO NOT CLICK ON EVERYTHING!

Life is good!  God Bless America!

Friday, February 16, 2018

It's Friday!

It is surprising how Friday can still be a relief even when you are no longer going to work every day!  And based on conversations with friends, I am not alone in feeling this way.

So, it is 70 and cloudy here right now.  Supposed to get a couple degrees warmer and then start cooling down and only be 41 tomorrow and raining.  Blah!  The yard still has puddles from the last couple rains.

Les and the other guys are getting a round of golf in before the rain starts later.  I've had my Starbucks and done the "morning stuff".

Last evening we went to our favorite Italian restaurant for dinner.  It was good and we have leftovers for lunch today!

The woman that was shot at Walmart died.  Evidently her domestic partner and she had an ongoing "spat".  That's how the spokesperson stated it. He also said he did not know if the two women were legally married or not, but they were using the same last name.  I think he was trying to be politically correct. The victim worked in the Optical shop in the store.  The shooter went in, started shouting, dragged her outside and started shooting.  The crime scene tapes were still up and evidence still being gathered last night.  Sad.  Shooter is in jail now charged with many crimes.

We have continued to watch the Olympics and I have to say again this is the worst coverage of the Olympics I have ever seen.  All the switching back and forth from one event to another and the split screens, etc. I think I have said that I am at a stage of life where it is "see something, say something".  I just wrote NBC a note. 😊 I also covered the fact that the Today Show has really gone downhill.  I will let you all know if I ever get a response.  Honestly, I am not expecting one.

Les and I were talking just yesterday about how I should get  job as a consultant for something I had made a complaint about.  We had just been to Dairy Queen to use a BOGO coupon.  They put the spoon in the cup and then put the lid on; not a lid with a hole for the spoon.  Of course, the lid wouldn't stay on because it wouldn't fit all the way down to the cup, so it sort of oozed out.  Les said I should get a job advising them.  You know, from my years working for 21 Kremeland long ago!  I would be good at that.  What it boils down to is businesses need a little more professionalism.  Treat the customers respectfully and do your job right no matter what that job is.  Also, learn correct grammar and learn to count change! 

BTW, on that subject.... congratulations to Starbucks for hiring the new Barista, Caleb!  He was professional and has a great personality.  I don't think it helps business any when you go in for your morning coffee and there are mopey, grumpy people behind the counter.  (just my opinion) 

Like I keep saying, life is good!!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Just Taking It Easy

Les went and rented a roller and flattened all the mole tunnels in our back yard.  Now we can watch for the new tunnels and when we find out where they are, traps or something can be done.  The little pests have been extremely active and the yard was a mess.  It looks better now after we have had a chance to work out there a little.

Other than that, all is calm here at our home.  But in our immediate area, right around the corner, there was a shooting at the Walmart this morning.  The report says the store was evacuated, the area closed off and people told to stay away.  And I believe the suspect was caught.

We've been watching some of the Olympics.  Here is how it was last night with Angus on my lap.

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Pretty Flowers!

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone is well and has a wonderful, peaceful day!

Les got me two dozen beautiful roses in a purple vase.  I will take a picture when the light is better.  I got him a book he wanted.  We will go out for dinner on another night and skip the crowds this evening.  😊

Do children still make Valentine boxes in school?  When I was a little girl we all decorated a shoe box.  There would be a "judging" and prizes given out for the best decorations.  We would bring in our cards and stuff them in the boxes.  And usually have cookies and punch and maybe some games.  Fun!

Right now it is mid-40's and cloudy on the way to 60.  The guys are playing golf.  Our yard is still pretty wet but I am hoping the course is better for them.

There are some jobs that need to be done out in the yard, but I need dryer footing before I go out to do them, so all of that is "on hold".

As far as I know, our girls and their families are well and busy.

It's just a quiet day here.  I fast forwarded through the Olympics that we recorded last evening.  Honestly, we aren't that impressed with the coverage or some of the athletes this time.  The weather is interesting though.  I saw the report on the wind storm that hit Olympic Park and everyone had to be evacuated and take cover.  Blew things over, took down tents and covers, stopped events.  One scene showed a row of drink vending machines all lying on the ground "belly up"!

I started the newest Jack Reacher book.  I'm only twenty pages into it and already can tell it is great!  Les has already read it.  We are working on our books we received for Christmas and are reading and swapping.  Fortunately there are a lot of authors that we both like.

A reminder - - - - - - - postage rates have gone up.  I knew they were thinking about it, but never saw a notice.  First class is now 50 cents and postcard rate is 35 cents.  Rates for packages have gone up, too.  We fine here for now; I had stocked up on "Forever" stamps a while ago and still have several sheets.  😊

Remember, life is good!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Apologies to Mr. Lincoln

I meant to post this yesterday and somehow it did not get done.  Eh, stuff happens.  Sorry this is late Mr. Lincoln.  When I was in school, we always had art projects on President Lincoln's and President Washington's birthdays.  Of course, now their days are combined into Presidents' Day and I have no idea what is done to celebrate or teach about their history.  We made the black art paper silhouettes and we made flags.  We had to memorize their speeches and parts of the Constitution.  I still think that is a good idea and it should be mandatory.  In reality, I am sure someone would complain and say that it wasn't fair to be forced to memorize and celebrate history.  They would whine and complain and then they would sue someone.   I won't get into what I think of them.  Life is too short.

So, belated Happy Birthday, President Lincoln!

In other news, Spock went for his annual safety inspection.  Of course, a couple things needed to be done but he is back home now.  And when we took him in, they told us Kirk's part that had been on back-order had arrived last evening.  So when we picked up Spock we left Kirk.  He is also all fixed and back home.

Sticking to our normal routine of car service and breakfast, we ate at Byrd's again.  It isn't the same as Lunch Bell, but it is very good.  In honor of Shrove Tuesday, we had pancakes.  Mine were regular and fluffy and light.  Les got banana bread pancakes that looked very good and had nuts on top.

I worked in a couple errands and Les got to the "Y".

It is only in the 30's here today and has been raining off and on all day.  It's a shock to the system after upper 70's on Sunday.  My body does not adjust well and I am cold.  😊

So, life continues to be good!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

Monday, February 12, 2018

The Rain Has Arrived

The rain started sometime during the night.  The temperature is dropping and after being in upper 70's yesterday, it is currently at 48 and going down.  This rapid, drastic weather change plus the fact that we did a lot of yard work yesterday totally explains why I am achy and have a headache.

But.... life goes on!  Our pest control guy came this morning for the quarterly visit to try to help us keep ants and spiders and mice out.  He didn't find anything to report today and just did his thing. 

We've watched some "Golic & Wingo", then Les moved to the computer and I watched some of the Olympics.  Go USA!

Just saw a reminder about tomorrow being Shrove Tuesday.  When I was a little girl in small town Ohio, this was a big deal.  I think it was the Kiwanis Club that had a pancake and sausage dinner every year in the school cafeteria.  In my memories it seems like everyone we knew went to this.  At the time, I didn't really understand, but I really liked the pancakes.  Mom and I attended an E.U.B. (Evangelical United Brethren) church, but there were also a large UCC church and an even larger Catholic church in town.  As I got older some of my Catholic friends explained the importance of Shrove Tuesday and how it is a celebration before the Lenten fasting.  Whatever your beliefs, I hope you get a good pancake.  Please remember to give thanks when you do.  Since we are taking Spock in for routine service tomorrow morning and then going to breakfast, I plan to have pancakes.

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Unseasonably Nice!

Our weather here is a glimpse of Spring!  Mid-70's and very pleasant.  It was supposed to be rainy this weekend, but so far, it has missed us.  It is very cloudy and there is a strong breeze.  Daffodils are coming up in some of the neighborhood yards; dandelions are coming up in other yards. 😊 We have neither, but we do have some buds starting on the hydrangeas.

And we have growing mole activity in the backyard!  We both went around stomping tunnels.  The plan is to get them all flattened and then see where the new activity is and then have the traps set.  I will keep you posted.  But let me just say it is hazardous out there.  And "something" was evidently trying to dig down into the tunnels from above ground to get the little tunnelers.  We don't know "who" that was.  But they dug up along a couple of the tunnels, so it looks like small trenches being dug.

After breakfast and reading the paper this morning, Les went out and started on yard work.  I finished up some things inside and then went out to help bag everything.  My job is to hold the bags open  😊  When we finished bagging, he started mowing to pick up even more "stuff" and I started to work on the back corner mulched area.  Les helped me finish that and got all the bags out to the curb for pick-up tomorrow. 

We are now both showered and cleaned up and in for the day.  I had filled the bird feeder before I came inside and Angus is now watching the birdies and squirrels out there.

Life is good.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone is doing well!  Les and I are good.  After a frost delay this morning he is out on the golf course.  It's a nice sunny day and around 50 degrees.

I've been doing some things around the house, a little cleaning, a load of laundry, watching a show I slept through.  😊

As far as I know the girls and their families are well.  Everyone is busy.

Les and I took Kirk in for the 40,000 mile service yesterday.  Some things were found that needed attention and they were taken care of with one exception.  The part to fix the problem with the back hatch opening is on back-order and they will call when it comes in.  That will be covered by warranty.  Spock goes in for the annual inspection next week.

I am anxious to start cleaning out the kitchen cabinets, but it is a bit too soon to be emptying them for the work in the kitchen.  Hopefully, very soon the work will begin building our cabinets in this workshop at Colonial Kitchens!

Life is good!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

ahhhh, If Only................

SpaceX launched a Tesla into space aboard its Falcon Heavy rocket on Tuesday. Company CEO Elon Musk tweeted this photo of the vehicle over Australia.

I heard this morning that perhaps within four years people might be able to orbit the earth and go to the moon.  And from there to Mars!

I love the sticker on the dashboard of the car that says "Don't panic"  😊

Life is good!  Stay safe and God Bless America and free enterprise!

Monday, February 5, 2018

It Was a Fast-moving Week

Over the past week, I've thought about posting quite a few times, but just didn't get to it.  Stuff happens.  That's all I can say.

Let's start with the sun is out!  It's only going to be around 40 today, but at least it's sunny. 

I hope everyone had a good time with the Super Bowl.  I managed to stay awake for all the commercials!  My favorites were the one with Peter Dinklage and Morgan Freeman for Doritos Blaze and Mountain Dew Ice, and best of all was the commercial for the NFL touchdown celebrations with the guys dancing the final number from "Dirty Dancing".  Loved it!  The movie previews were good, too!

So, why haven't I been writing?  Les and I have been busy researching (Les has done most of that) and meeting with contractors, making decisions, and finalizing things for the kitchen work.  Friday we signed the contract with Colonial Kitchens and our contract is now in the lineup for the cabinets to be built.  YAY!  But so many decisions!  We were given a tour of the workshop - it is huge - and all the cabinets are hand made to order.  Vann told us it would probably be up to twelve weeks before the cabinets are completed, but he was hoping for sooner and will keep us posted.  Once they are built, he says the work will go quickly.  But all of our materials selections have been made, deposit paid, and things are in order.  I am "chomping at the bit" to start cleaning out the kitchen, but Les thinks it's too soon.  So I cleaned out the linen closet and the laundry nook!  😊

If it was a little warmer I would spend my energy out in the yard.  There is much to be done, but I don't try to work out there in the cold and wet and in mud.  But hopefully, soon!

Once we got the kitchen decisions made, Les started organizing all the info for our taxes.  Our "tax guy" sent us the list of things he needs and questions to answer.  Les is dropping it all off as I write this.  Then he said he is heading to Lowe's to buy outlets and switches and covers for the kitchen.  Vann said we should decide what we wanted for those since most will be going over the backsplash when it is finished.

Like I mentioned, there have been a lot of decisions to make.  In our project, the floor, paint color, lighting, and the footprint for the cabinets are all staying the same.  But decisions had to be made for cabinet style, wood type, and color.   What kind of hinges? Which type of soft-close hardware for the drawers? What color and style of handles?  Which type of counter top material - granite! - and then what grade and color?  What kind of sink?  What kind of backsplash and then what colors? Then we had to decide on the new dishwasher - Kitchenaid.  I really do think it helped that I had strong opinions going into this about what I did not want.  Everything was a joint, mutual decision, but since I am in the kitchen more than Les, I knew there were some things I did not want.  I believe we are going to be happy with everything we picked!  As a side note, our girls will be  happy to know that a major re-organization of what is where is going to happen!  They have always thought the silverware was in the wrong spot.  😊

Eventually the weather will cooperate and Les and his golf buddies will be back out on the course. They are all ready and anxious.  In the meantime, we have recorded shows to watch and many good books to read. 

So, as always, life is good.  Stay safe and God Bless America!