I hope all is well with everyone! I continue to get better, but it is slow. Enough said on that.
We had a wonderful visit with Golfer's brother, L, who was in the area last week on business. Then last weekend his wife, V, came down, too. Of course, that was when our weather was cold and rainy and it hampered outdoor ventures, but we had a good time anyway. And the guys had been able to play golf earlier in the week when it had been sunny.
We've been keeping up with all the usual stuff around here. I had to call the pest control man to come back and do another foundation treatment for ants. I think all the rain we had must have washed away what he put down a couple weeks ago. There were ants crawling around and trailing all over the foundation and around the doors and windows. That seems better now.
The yard is looking good. The new mulch still smells great and has settled in. The hydrangeas are starting to bloom now. We still have some azaleas blooming. Ours do not all bloom at the same time.
We will be heading to Myrtle Beach soon for the Military Retirees Golf Tournament and visiting with our friends. I have started making some "piles" in the closet but won't pack until later in the week.
Bikini says things are busy at their house. Lots of end of school year activities, work, ballgames, etc. but they are all well.
We have helped Nurse J a little and had some time with Little Miss E. IT Guy, BeyB, and Cutie Girl had gone to Illinois to help IT Guy's Mom with some things. Sounds like a lot got done. They are home now. Cutie Girl will be busy today seeing her toys again and playing in the yard I am sure! Little Miss E is almost walking. While she was here with us she would crawl as fast as possible to the middle of the kitchen, stand up, clap her hands and laugh. But no steps yet. Any time now though!
She ate the bananas first! |
Golfer and I went to see "Guardians of the Galaxy 2". Very good and I want to see it again! There were a lot of excellent previews for upcoming movies and it looks like we will be spending time at the theater this Summer. We want to see almost all of them!
We are both reading good books and are still catching up on recorded TV shows. Some shows we watch are ending so it's a collection of season finales and series finales.
So, all in all, life is good. Stay safe and God Bless America!