Saturday, May 30, 2015

Clearing Out the Thoughts!

I have no excuse for not posting except that I have been busy relaxing and enjoying a wonderful week at the beach!

But I will catch you all up on a few things.  :)   First off, my lack of patience was very short-lived, but I am still ticked off about a couple things.  Our computer is a goner.  IT Guy got the parts and started to work on it and upgrade it.  Thank you!  When he opened the Lenovo tower up he discovered it had the innards of a laptop.  No fan, and had the motherboard of a laptop.  So there was nothing he could do to it.  The thing had been sold to us as a fully functioning  PC by Best Buy, only a little over a year ago.  So, we will be shopping for a new computer when we get home - not at Best Buy.  And Lenovo is on all our "lists".  You know what I mean... we're not happy and we're taking names.  That kind of list.

Now on to happier news.  We've been here in Myrtle Beach all week for the Retired Military Golf Classic.  The weather has been great.  For the first time ever Golfer and Tommy are on the same schedule and rotation and could car pool.  Usually, Golfer, Tommy, and Lou are all on different courses and at different times.  The tee times are split morning and afternoon, on different courses, and the players alternate.  And since we are staying at the Royal Garden Resort (condo) and it's close to Tommy's home, it's worked out well.

I really like it here.  It has been quiet and peaceful all week, even last weekend when bikers were in the area for Bikefest.  They were farther North.  Here in Garden City there were a few, not many, and they were older gentlemen who know how to behave in polite society. 

Parking has been no problem this year.  Remember last year we had an "issue" in the parking garage.  We have gotten smarter and this year we've stayed on the lower levels of the garage and avoided the tight turns on the ramps.  We've just had one car mishap - a small blemish on the passenger side of the car where a golf ball hit the door while parked at the course.  Golfer says it will buff out; no dent.  He says someone hit a really bad shot!  The ball was lying there by the car when he went to leave.

It's been a busy week for our girls.  End of school activities in Georgia;  Bloomer got several awards for her hard work.   And Boxer had his fifth grade graduation and is officially a middle schooler now!  Next year their school schedule will be better and Bikini can return to scheduling their vacation here for the week.  We're looking forward to that!

BeyB won't be done with classes and exams until mid-June.  Next year she will be a Senior!  Where has the time gone?????  Cutie Girl is growing by leaps and bounds and is constantly busy.  There might be a time between when BeyB ends high school and Cutie Girl starts kindergarten that NurseJ can come here on vacation, too.  We'll have to see! 

So, we've just been relaxing, playing golf, enjoying time with friends, going out for dinner, and appreciating God's beautiful ocean here.  Stay safe!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Short on Patience

Hey, all! 

I have had all sorts of posts running through my head lately.  Unfortunately, the blog site does not always want to work with the Surface tablet and our main computer is still not at home yet.  Which brings us to one of the many things that are trying my patience lately.

Our Lenovo computer was bought just a little over a year ago from Best Buy.  When it developed a problem recently, Golfer took it to Best Buy for the Geek Squad to work on it.   They sent it to Kentucky!  We got multiple emails saying they had it and were evaluating it.  Then a phone call saying it needed a part that had to be ordered.  We received a couple updates.  Blah, blah, blah, waiting for part.  Then on Monday we got a call saying the part wasn't available and they would be sending our computer back to Best Buy for us to pick up.

This is very annoying on so many fronts.  First of all, it was only a few weeks past a year old.  And most of all, for goodness sakes, they are the GEEK SQUAD!  They should have the parts on hand.  So Golfer and I have decided that 1. we are never buying another Lenovo product and 2. we will really have to think hard before we ever buy another computer from Best Buy.

When it finally gets back to us, IT Guy is going to look at it for us and see if he can work some magic. 

I'd like to add that I miss having our computer and a working printer.  And so does Golfer!

Other general things that are constant tryers of my patience are idiot drivers and rude people.  But those are pretty much constants and I won't go into detail on those. 

Some new issues are cashiers that are not trained well or else are just not too smart.  It was hard to tell which.  I had to make a purchase at Pet Smart this morning.  I got in line behind two people at the only open check-out.  The cashier couldn't figure out how to handle coupons for the woman at the counter.  So we all waited and waited.  Then she finally got to the young man in front of me who was buying a bag of live crickets.  That took a while.  When it was my turn she couldn't get my rewards card info to come up.  I finally said to forget it and just ring up the items.  I only had two and wanted to get out of there.  That took a long time and when I went to pay she couldn't figure out how to take a cash payment.  DUH!

I eventually got out of there and finished my errands.  This afternoon I went to the "Y".   I always use several of the machines first and then go to the pool.  I only had to wait for one machine and things were going well.  Then I got to the pool.  Two lanes closed for lifeguard training.  One lane closed for swim lessons - with the most obnoxious rude little boy ever.  The instructor finally told him to get out of the pool and go to his grandma who was sitting on the side benches.  The lifeguard gave her an ear full and the grandma gave the kid an earful.  The rest of the lap lanes were full.  I made do with some space in the open area with a couple other people.

And then I got to the locker room to shower and get ready to come home.  The new white tile floor in there is nasty.  It's always wet and slippery and it is always dirty and wet.  It is impossible to get dressed or undressed without getting your clothes in the dirty water on the floor.  Many ladies have registered their complaints about this issue.  It's a constant topic of discussion.  And then the showers were all in use.

I accept that God made all sorts of people and I really do try to be nice to them all.  Four Asian ladies (who I think just stay at the "Y" all day long) tied up six shower stalls - they like to spread out all their stuff - and took the longest showers ever recorded in history.  (that's just my guess on that)   I am aware that this is a cultural thing and they like to spend hours in the hot tub and have gab fests (not in English) and they like long hot showers.  But when they are in a public area like the "Y" they should be more considerate of all the others that need to use the facilities.  One woman was in the shower stall when I was going out to the pool and she was still in there when I was done exercising and swimming and came back in!  I can't imagine what she was doing in there for that long. 

So that's how my day has been.  Harrumph!  Thanks for "listening".  Tomorrow will be better.

Stay safe!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Happy Mother's Day

I hope all the mothers out there are having a good day!  Many thanks to Golfer and our girls for making it a good day here!

We are doing well.  Golfer had some good test results come in and we are waiting on the results of the last two that happened yesterday.  Hopefully this week we'll hear about those.  He is feeling okay and has been playing golf.

We've been busy doing some things around the house and keeping up with the yard work.  The weather has been good. Although Ana is supposed to make an appearance tomorrow with some storms, heavy rain and wind.

We watched Cutie Girl a couple times recently.  She's growing up too fast! 

We were watching "Cars" when this photo was taken.  Her attention was divided between the movie and the toy box.  She was very good for us.  But she did not like when we asked her to use an inside voice!  There was no screaming, no tantrum, no stomping of her little feet.  She would just freeze, be absolutely still and cover her eyes.  After a couple minutes it was all we could do to not laugh!  Then she would go back to playing.

The school year is winding down for Boxer, Bloomer, and BeyB.  Projects being done, testing going on, end of year activities to do.  I think they are all ready for Summer!

Stay safe!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


The mouse is no more!  I was on my way to the trash can and had a plastic bag in my hand, when I came upon the mouse and Angus sitting in the kitchen staring at each other.  Neither one was moving in the midst of their eye lock and I managed to reach down and grab the mouse with the bag!  The exterminator came early this morning and did his thing, too!  Things are calming down around here.

It warmed up enough yesterday that we turned the A/C on last night.  Supposed to get to high 80's today so I left it on.

Golfer is doing okay.  We have not gotten any test results yet and the rest of the testing is the end of this week.

I did some more cleaning yesterday that included the deck and deck furniture.  The combination of leftover Winter dirt and lots of pollen were bothering me.  So I scrubbed it!

Nothing else new at the moment.  Stay safe!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

All God's Creatures

I believe that God has a plan and that He made all creatures for a reason.  I personally question the reason for things like mosquitoes and roaches and think Noah could have left them off the ark.  But it wasn't up to me.  I believe that God forgives me for my opinion.

Having said that,with the exception of our cats, I do not want God's creatures in our home!

Those who know me well know that I like to keep a clean house.  I vacuum at least every other day and mop at least twice a week.  While I'm doing that I de-hair the furniture.  If there is a spill, it gets cleaned up immediately.  I like to keep the curb appeal of our home in good shape, too. So I can confidently say that we have a clean and orderly home.

I am personally offended when a mouse invades our home.  And here is the story. . . . .

I had been cleaning and doing chores all day and wanted to sit down for a bit so I went to the computer desk.  Three of our cats were in the office with me, playing with their toys and having a good time.  This was not unusual.  I was just getting into sending emails and such when I noticed that they were having a little too much fun and decided to see what they were playing with.

I moved their toy basket away from the wall and something ran across the room!  Honestly, at that point I thought it was some sort of large mutant bug.  We do have those here in Virginia.  Knowing my occasional balance issues, I didn't want to stomp it so I grabbed the large glass brick we use for a door stop.  The cats had followed it behind their litter boxes so I pulled one away from the wall and looked.  There was a small gray mouse looking up at me.  I dropped the brick on it.  Or I should say I tried to drop the brick on it.  It ran under the roll top desk.

Golfer put a mouse "trap" thingy under the desk drawer where the cats can't get to it.  All was calm.  We didn't see the mouse any more that day.  The cats stayed on alert and were very responsive to any small movement of anything - a breeze, a piece of paper falling on the floor, etc.

The next morning, all three of the boys were crouched down looking under the china cabinet in the dining room.  Then there was a race to the living room where they had the mouse cornered behind a small stool.  By then I had grabbed the broom and one of my long-handled grabbers and tried to swat it.  No luck.  It went up and over the fireplace and behind the entertainment center, then into the kitchen and under the dishwasher.  The cats all followed and set up camp on guard.

Now let me remind you that we have four, healthy, robust indoor cats.  They are all spayed and neutered but all have their teeth and claws intact.  And they obviously consider this invading creature to be a new toy.  I mean, really, wouldn't you think some natural instinct would kick in?  But, noooooo, if they get close to it they pat at it,  I appreciate their teamwork in standing guard, but come on, let's get this taken care of.  I am obviously not fast enough to catch the mouse myself.  I told our furry kids that I was writing a post about them and when their relatives and friends from the shelter hear about it they will laugh.  Shaming them did not work.  They still haven't caught the mouse.

We have no idea how he got in or where he came from,  There have been no droppings anywhere.  I have to think he came just to play with our cats and give me a headache.

The exterminator is getting a call in the morning.

Stay safe!

Where Does the Time Go??

The answer to that question this week is that the time went to seeing doctors and medical professionals.

Golfer had some issues on Tuesday that led to a little over five hours of tests and observation in the ER.  They decided his issues were a TIA-like event.  Tuesday was followed by Wednesday's follow-up with our GP doc.  Followed by Thursday's visit to a neurologist.  That was followed up with Friday's visit to the hospital for a couple more tests.  There are some more tests coming up this next week.  There is family history for these issues and problems and we have always been aware of that.  The good news is that for now the doctor says that there is no restriction on his activities.  So we are keeping a regular check on his BP.  The new meds that were prescribed seem to be helping.  He says he's feeling okay and he is now out on the golf course.  :)

However, his planned golf trip with the guys was cancelled for him.  A couple of his buddies called him yesterday to say they missed him.  We'll plan for next year's trip!

Other than that, I've been doing the usual household stuff and doing some cleaning and yard work when I could.

All is well for now.  Stay safe!