Saturday, March 19, 2011



I just had to take a couple pictures to share. It is so lovely outside, even if there is a cool breeze.

The housework and odd jobs are done for today. After the mulch guys left, I went out to do a couple errands. Just had to go down Canon Boulevard to see the cherry trees in blossom again, so I took a picture. It's hard to find a place to stop to use the camera, but I got a good one!

And of course, I had to show the new garden flag, mulch and pansies!

Stay safe!


Hey, all!

I hope you're all well and happy! It's a gorgeous day here, although it's cool compared to yesterday's 80 degrees. But today is pretty, sunny, and pleasant.

Cinder is sitting carefully on one of the new windowsills. She's watching the two guys out in our yard moving mulch around and making it look prettier.

Golfer and his buddy, L, are playing in a golf tournament this weekend in Williamsburg.

I had an epiphany this morning about Spring cleaning. What with all the work, moving of things, and clean-up following the work here in our house lately, the Spring cleaning is pretty much done! So, hurray! Not that there isn't always something that needs to be done, but all the big stuff is finished.

We have a date of March 29th for the window treatment rod installer to come. And Lynn will come and help hang the new window treatments. (wasn't it easier when we called them curtains??) so my task before then is to press them all and have them ready!

Duke has a new radio and I can have tunes now and actually adjust the volume! This is important when driving a convertible, but really, I often just turn the radio off when driving with the top down and wind in my hair. Can't hear the music anyway!

Bikini tweeted about discovering some major gray hairs in a Morticia style on her head. I hope she's not stressed by that. I had gray hair starting early and since they were just a few, and the style at the time was highlighting, I went that route. Until that unfortunate treatment while we lived in Germany. The water did not mix well with the highlighting (which had been a little heavy in that instance) and I ended up with a green tone. And when Golfer went to Saudi Arabia for a year I really went gray and started dying it. Eventually I just grew it out and let it do its own thing. Nurse J went gray early also, but she makes no secret of it. We're all pretty much "what you see is what you get".

I'm not sure how I got on that story, but hey, that's the way it is. Golfer had his annual physical this week. All is well. He started working on painting the trim and doors. Jeff, who was here painting the living room, kitchen and hallway, painted all the trim in those areas. We are switching to a "white" white for woodwork and doors and the rest of the rooms need to be done. Golfer started in the library. Looks good, even if he did have a rough start when the caulk gun broke and gobbed caulk where it didn't belong.

Since I have needed to be here at home today, I've been doing laundry and other stuff around here. Maybe there will be errand running when the guys are done working in the yard. That's about it from here. Stay safe!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Clean Smell of New Paint!

Hey, everyone!

I hope you're doing well and are having nice weather! It's in the mid-60's here and sunny today. The Bradford pear trees and pink bud trees are starting to bloom. There are pansies, crocus, daffodils and hyacinths coming up in flower beds. (we just have pansies here) One of these years I AM going to plants bulbs in the Fall.

Jeff finished up the painting in the kitchen, living room, hallway and all the trim work. It's lovely. Lynn, the decorator, came and made suggestions and I met with her Saturday morning to do some "shopping" to pick window treatments. Also picked out a new love seat and some side tables. She's going to be calling us in a day or two with information on the curtain rods and some other things. And probably next week the new window treatments will be hung. Golfer and I took down the last two old rods last evening and I just finished spackling the holes and doing touch-up painting. So all in all, things are moving right along.

I've been busy at work. This week is Rev. C's last week at the church. He's been on vacation for two weeks and I've been busier than usual in my office. Things are "in transition" at the church.

I also had my annual physical and mammogram. Had to have a couple extra blood tests and an ultrasound of my liver, but all is okay. My liver and kidney levels are monitored and checked a couple times a year because of the RA and medications. It was a stressful couple of days, but all is well.

We hired Critter Control to tackle the problem of moles tearing up the yard. Two were caught. Golfer was instructed how to use the traps he bought and so far, so good. We're on our own with that now.

Duke, the Mustang, will be going in for some work; hopefully this week. The radio needs to be replaced. And you can't do that just anywhere. Ford only uses their systems and you can't repair or replace with anything but the same things.

I didn't realize it had been two weeks since I last posted a message. As I've said - time flies! We've just been busy!

Stay safe!