Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve Thoughts

Well, 2009 is winding down, running out, almost to the end, giving up. You can pick the terms.

2009 had a lot of good points. Loving family, good friends, happy times, trips to places we love, time spent with family and friends we hadn't seen in many years when we celebrated my mom's 100th birthday in Ohio. There were some scary times with health issues and some sad times when we lost people we cared about.

2009 brought some health issues for Golfer that he is still trying to recover from.

The year also brought a few more improvements to our home.

And now it's almost 2010. 2010 will bring big changes for Golfer and me as he retires at the end of January after over forty-two years serving our country. Part of that time was active duty in the Air Force and part as a Civilian working for the Air Force. It's been a great life. We got to see places we never would have seen otherwise. We experienced life in foreign countries and new cultures and made new friends. I think I can say it expanded our minds.

We're hoping Golfer's medical issues make some major improvements pretty soon and he can get back out on the golf course and enjoy some of his free time. I don't imagine it will be too long though before he is working at something he enjoys at least part-time. I plan to continue to work as the church secretary for a while longer.

Speaking of church.... there have been a lot of changes in our church over the last few years. Changes that I don't want to get into, but which are things that we don't agree with and can't support. We have decisions to make in that area.

So, in summing things up, I wish you all a Happy 2010! I wish you happy, supportive relationships; loving, considerate children; easy-to-get-along-with neighbors; fine weather and sunny skies; smooth traffic; good books to read; good movies to watch; furry kids for companionship; a song in your heart; and the strength to enjoy it all!

I love you, Golfer!

Stay safe!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Okay. Where Is Spring???

Those of you that know me know that I love Christmas. I love the decorations, the music, the cards, the special shows and concerts. You also know that I consider it ended on the 25th of December. It is now the 28th; the gifts are put away, the decorations are taken down and packed away, things are cleaned up and now I say: I'm ready for Spring. Where is the warm weather?

Of course, the reality in all this is that it is Winter. It is getting colder again here. We'll be getting some occasional cold rain or maybe snow for the next couple of months. In my mind, I can see myself sitting in a comfy chair in the sun by the community pool or out on our deck. But, reality again: it's darn cold and damp here!

On another note --- remember last Spring when I posted a picture of the cute flower pots that looked like coffee cups? Well, they are goners. Evidently they were not made to withstand cold weather. The plants in them were still alive and green, but the pots cracked and fell apart. Phoooo! So, they're gone.

When we have gotten through all the activities and enjoyed all the company involved with Golfer's retirement ceremony and party that's coming up the end of January, it might be the right time for me to get some plain, basic clay pots and try that project of using leftover tile bits mortared on. I have a couple buckets of leftover tile pieces out in the shed for such a project. Also have all the leftover mortar and grout that the guys left us. I'll keep you posted on that. I can say I'm not buying any more cute, but pricey, pots!

It was back to work today for me. First thing I did was un-decorate my office. Probably drives the preacher nuts, but I figure it's my office. He insists the decorations stay up all over the rest of the church until the second week in January. So if you come down the hallway and see all the wreathes on the doors, the one with the vine wreath with shells and pastel ribbon on it is mine! The green wreath with ornaments is put away.

That's about all from here. Stay safe!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Things Are Moving Along. Slowly.

Hey, all!

I hope you have all recovered from your Christmas activities. I know for some of you those activities stretch out over several days and cover many branches of your family trees. I hope you all had fun and good times.

I have been un-decorating today. The inside of the house is now done. I just got everything put back into the closet and the doors close, so all is good! I have to pace myself and I'd do some and then read, do some more, and then work at the computer, and so it went. Golfer wanted to help, but he is not feeling well and just isn't able to do very much right now. He was able to help me pry the tree parts away from each other though!

Maybe tomorrow when I get home from work, I'll tackle the outdoor decorations. It shouldn't take too long. The hardest part will be going up and down the steps to get the containers and to put the decorations away. But it will get done.

The furry kids are busy running around and checking out all the rearranged space now. They have already hidden their new mousie toys from Christmas. I have no idea where they put them!

Golfer and I have been watching some of our new DVDs that we received for Christmas. I'm not sure what's on the schedule for this evening. Hope I can stay awake!

That's about all from here. Stay safe! More later!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Winding Down

It's been a good Christmas; sort of quiet.

Bikini called this morning at the start of their busy day. The kids were getting ready to open their gifts. And then they would be heading to Brief's parents' home for a big family gathering there.

Nurse J, CableGuy, and BeyB came here for dinner and gifts. A good time was had, but we decided that we were all just plain tired. After visiting for a while they went home to play new computer games and watch new movies, and probably take naps.

Golfer and I will be watching new movies here, too, a bit later. I have already started on a new book!

The food is put away, the dishes are done, the wrapping paper wads are bagged up. The furry kids have been playing with their new toys. And for those of you who like to tease me ---- no, I have NOT started to un-decorate yet! (may start that on Sunday though)

Golfer and I had some free time yesterday afternoon and we went to see "Avatar". It was excellent! We saw the 3-D version. The story line is great and the computer graphics and special effects are wonderful. We highly recommend it.

It is raining again here and is already dark. The ground has no where left to put any more water, so I expect we will be remain soggy for a while longer. If it ever does dry out around here you might find Golfer and me outside with our new lawn sweeper (his gift from me) and new electric leaf blower (my gift from him). And just so you know -- I had that on my wish list!

I hope you have had a good day and have been surrounded by love, good feelings, and happy times.

Stay safe!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

'Twas the Day Before Christmas....

'Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house...
The cookies were baked and put on a plate
The Christmas pies were made (a peanut butter and a cherry one)
The floors had been mopped and the carpets all cleaned
The dreaded dusting even was done!
The last laundry has been folded and hung (not by the chimney)
The garbage dumpster was hauled and the recycle bin, too (they're ready and waiting to be filled again)
The furry kids are running and looking expectant, in the meantime, before new toys, they have tree ornaments and the task of trying to open presents that are not theirs!
The cards are all hung, the presents are wrapped. greetings extended and received.
We've partied and dined and visited with friends.
And now as it is sunny and still so cold out, I'm sitting down with a book and taking a break!

I know this doesn't rhyme and Mrs. Toot (high school English teacher) would be appalled, but I wish you good tidings and merry good times, we send love out to you, our family and friends.

Merry Christmas!

Stay safe!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Small Rant


Just because it is the 23rd of December and you evidently have not finished your shopping and holiday preparations, you do not get to act like you own the road and drive like you are a maniac!

In trying to get to the "Y" for a swim after work, I came to a major intersection totally blocked with police persons out in the middle directing traffic. Some drivers were just plain rude. Too bad the police couldn't give tickets for gestures and rude comments. So you had to go in the opposite direction than what you wanted. Call it a scenic route and suck it up people! You're in better shape than the four cars all smushed up together.

And traffic planners, or engineers, or whoever programs the lights around here ----- how about fixing it so more than two or three cars get through an intersection? Have you seen the back-ups around Super K-Mart and WalMart????? I have. It's not pretty.

And while I'm on the subject of driving, do you not know what "yield" means? And how about a red light, folks? That means stop! Not speed through the intersection and make pedestrians jump out of the way!

Some of you know that I have taken driving issues very seriously for over ten years now. Before then, I was careful and considered myself a good driver. But since then, I am ever vigilant. I don't trust anyone else out there on the road, especially big trucks. But that is another story. So during this busy time of the year, when we all have more places to go and more things to do, let's all just slow down a little and be more considerate.

Stay safe!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

And now for other news......

If you have been watching the weather, you would think we would be snowed in here. Mom called us a little while ago to see if we were okay. We're good, just wet, cold and windblown! Just a little farther north and west of us there is lots and lots of snow. Here, just wind, rain and cold. Although the forecasters are still calling for the rain to turn to snow later today and maybe accumulate an inch or two. We'll see. I would rather have snow than freezing rain or ice.

I was up early and went to get groceries before things got too busy and crazy. Now I'm just catching up on stuff around the house. Golfer did his Christmas wrapping this morning while I was out. We have a little work to do on his retirement celebration plans.

The furry kids are holed up in warm places. One of them is under the new quilt on our bed! And I believe Cinder is out in the living room working on the tree skirt. You would be surprised how far and how fast a kitty can slide across the floor on a soft, crocheted tree skirt! It's quite a sight! (think back to when you were a kid and slid on waxed linoleum in your socks)

I have a little baking I would like to get done sometime before Christmas, but I have to be in the mood for that.

I hope all is well with everyone and the holiday season is treating you all well!

Stay safe!

More on the Band Concert.....

Golfer got the pictures downloaded and we want to share! BeyB did a great job!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Last evening Golfer and I attended BeyB's first band concert. It was way better than we had expected! BeyB is in the beginner's Clipper Band at her school. (the mascot (?) of Grafton Middle School is the Clipper Ship) Anyway, these students have only had about thirteen weeks in band, most had never even picked up an instrument before. It's a large band and they divided into two sections. Both did well. They wore black slacks and the official red band shirts. ALL the songs were recognizable and the kids did a great job!

There were two conductors. The female wore a red plaid skirt with black velvet jacket. The male wore a very handsome kilt! There was a plug for membership by the Band Booster president.

So - - - - great job, BeyB!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time Is Flying!

It must just be that it's Christmas time and there's lots to do, but I swear the clock has decided to go faster!

Golfer and I are doing okay. He's not back up to his normal activity level, but is steadily making improvement with just a few little set-backs every once in a while. We're hoping the new meds are kicking in and he will soon be able to get back out on the golf course. He misses it.

The weather here has been all over the place. Still having frequent rain and the ground is still soggy everywhere. Today it's a bit warmer and cloudy, but is supposed to get a lot colder in the next day or so.

We went to Golfer's office Christmas party last Friday evening. The food was good; saw lots of people. In honor of Golfer's approaching retirement, the Colonel presented me with a lovely Christmas arrangement. You know, for being a good military wife for over forty-two years. It was a nice speech. The Colonel's wife makes arrangements and centerpieces for all occasions. This picture does not do it justice; it's beautiful!

We met with friends on Saturday evening for a fun time at Hooter's. Then we had dinner with two other friends on Sunday evening.

BeyB has her first band concert on Thursday evening. I'm not sure what they will be playing, but I am sure it will be fun.

In the midst of finishing Christmas preparations, Golfer and I are working on the plans for his retirement ceremony and party. There is much to do to prepare for that and fortunately, there are some good people at his office helping us.

That's about all from here for now. Stay safe!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Hey, All!

I hope your Christmas preparations are going well and you are taking time to enjoy the holiday season.

Things are going well here. I am moving better and am feeling better. I actually did some erranding after I left the office today. Paced myself, took my time. It went screaming knee pain or weakness . The Suppartz has helped the left knee. The right one has responded to medication and a little rest.

Golfer continues to improve steadily. Hopefully, the meds are right now and this will continue.

It has been cold here. Our area is above the average normal rainfall for the year. And I just saw there are more flood warnings posted for some areas because IT IS STARTING TO RAIN AGAIN! Also, it's been in the 30's and 40's for a few days and tomorrow it is supposed to be 70. That's not very seasonal, but is only supposed to last one day and then be cold again. I feel a headache coming.

Golfer and I took BeyB to a concert given by the Air Force American Heritage Band. It was excellent. If you ever have a chance to hear them, please do so!

Several local Christmas parades had to be cancelled or postponed because of heavy rain and nasty weather last weekend.

I've been busy finishing the decorating, Christmas shopping, wrapping, packing and mailing. Also sent off the cards. I guess next I'll bake a few cookies. Also, caught up the laundry and did some cleaning! And groomed the furry kids.

I just watched the "Charlie Brown Christmas Special" on TV. I have it on DVD, but it's always a good show.

There's not much else going on. Take care and stay safe!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The halls are being decked! Actually, what I have accomplished is sorting through the boxes of decorations and deciding what to put out this year. Then setting them around the house. We have collected quite a few decorations and ornaments over the years. Even after passing several boxes on to Nurse J and Bikini, we still have plenty. So they don't all come out at the same time. The tree is assembled and Golfer helped me get the lights all working last evening. The two large containers of ornaments are sitting next to it waiting. But some tidying up had to be done and some cleaning was an absolute must, so my time and energy went to that after work and errands. Perhaps the tree will get decorated tomorrow!

It's cold and raining right now. "They" say we might even have thunderstorms this evening.

Our friend, Chris, came and did the mowing, trimming and leaf gathering for us yesterday. The yard is looking much better. And this morning while I was at work, Walt, from Spring Green came and did the Fall "weed and feed".

Golfer is feeling a bit better.

My right leg is still bothering me, but I finally gave in and started taking some medication that had been prescribed. So it's tolerable.

The furry kids are excited and running around looking at the tree sitting in the living room and checking out all the decorations. AND... napping on the new quilt!

I hope you all are well and staying safe!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hey, All!

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving! It was great to see Bikini, Brief and the kids. Golfer and I weren't feeling real great, so we didn't really do a lot. But it was a good visit.

Now we are home. Laundry is done. Bills are paid. Catching up is in progress. Usually by this time of the year I have finished the Christmas decorating and sometimes have even baked cookies and loaded up the freezer. Not this year. No baking done at all yet. Decorating is just getting started. I plan to do a little bit at a time as energy and knees allow.

My left knee is feeling pretty good after the Supartz injections. The doctor says it "develops" for about a month and then will reach the maximum amount of improvement. They want to check me then. If it continues to improve, I am considering having the right knee done also.

Bikini made us a beautiful quilt and I have to show you! We love it! And so do the furry kids; you can just see Cecil's head behind the pillows!

Stay safe! More later!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hey, all!

Golfer and I are spending Thanksgiving with Bikini, Brief and the kids. All is well here, trip down was uneventful. The kids are busy showing us their toys and playing! So cute! So busy!

Weather in Georgia is cool. We packed appropriately.

Bikini and I are heading out early tomorrow morning to do a little shopping. Not an all day trip; neither of us likes big crowds that much! And I lack the stamina.

We talked to Nurse J. She is recovering from a kidney stone attack. Other than that they are all well and are having Thanksgiving dinner with friends this year.

Stay safe and enjoy your pie!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


It's been a "so-so" week here. Busy. Lots of "stuff" needed doing. Aches, pains and other issues still the same. That's the update.

Now the question: Does anyone else out there buy Christmas presents early (like when you are on vacation during the Summer) then put them away "some place safe" and then never find them again? It's making me nuts! Two things were purchased while we were at the beach in August. I remember putting them away until I was ready to wrap things. Well, I've been taking inventory and doing some wrapping the last couple days and those two items are nowhere to be found! Fortunately, they will serve as birthday gifts if they ever show up and they are not time sensitive. But geez! It's the principle!

That's all for today. Stay safe!

Monday, November 16, 2009


It's Monday!

The garbage has been picked up. The recycle bin has been emptied. We still have the bags of yard debris sitting out there waiting, but I'm sure the trucks will get to it soon.

Golfer had a normal work schedule today back in his regular building. The flood water did not get in during the storm, so all is well there.

I had a busy day with extra work at the Church, and an emergency visit to our dentist. In the midst of the storm I had a tooth break. A back molar that has had a filling in it for probably forty years or more. Old "Doc Cotton" put that filling in. Our current dentist said that the filling was very sound, it was the tooth that had broken and he thought he could fix it. So that was good.

I had the third injection in my knee this afternoon. It felt like it was a bigger needle this time. I'm sure it was the same size they've been using, but I just felt it more. But all is okay.

So, here we are. All is well. I hope things are going well for all of you!

Stay safe!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hey, all!

The sun is out! The air is calm and the temperature is in low 60's. It's lovely! Of course the ground is like walking on wet sponges in some places, but that didn't stop Golfer and me from going out and doing a little clean-up. It was nice to be outside. We raked and gathered up about twelve bags of leaves, twigs and "stuff", plus a pile of small branches. Golfer used the wheelbarrow to get it all out to the curb. There's more out there, but we were done and have gotten smart enough to realize that!

So, now we're all showered and done for the day. I have some laundry going and have some chicken ready to put into the oven. There is football on TV, and all is well with the world for now.

Stay safe!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Hey, again!

Well, it's day four of what is now being called by some forecasters Nor'Ida. Today is gray, in the 50's, the wind has died down, and the rain is reduced to drizzle and mist. Some areas are still dealing with flooding and power outages, but we are not in danger for that. Golfer and I think it will be at least tomorrow before we can venture out in the yard to check on things and pick up branches. The ground is squishy. I'm sure it's going to be a while before the leaves are dry enough to clear away. Have you ever tried to rake and bag wet leaves?? They weigh a ton and stick to everything!

We ventured out to do a little shopping and errands this morning. There were lots of people out and about. We knocked a few more Christmas gifts off the shopping list. We're trying to get things ready for Bikini's family so we can take the gifts when we go visit for Thanksgiving.

For a while we weren't sure we were going to be able to travel, but Golfer has improved enough for the trip and my knee hasn't gotten any worse, so we're going to try it. I haven't seen any vast improvement with the injections, but they had told me it would probably be near the end of the series before I noticed any. So I'm trying to be patient. And the doctor told Golfer it sometimes takes up to two years to get over the PMR. So we're "dealing". Life moves on.

I hope everyone is well and happy. Stay safe!

Friday, November 13, 2009

AND...........IT CONTINUES....

Hey, all,

We are in day three of the November Nor'easter. That's what the news people are calling it. We had a little break earlier today when the rain decreased to just light rain and heavy mist. It's now raining harder again., and the wind is picking up; and it's getting colder. So, yay! Swell! Jon Cash from WAVY TV 10 was making comparisons of this storm to the movie a few years ago called "The Perfect Storm". I remember the movie; want to say that George Clooney was in it, but I'm not sure. Anyway, there are some similarities. :)

So, day three of the storm and day two of the headache. The good news in that area is that the headache is finally going away. This is after medication, Coke and a chocolate milkshake that Golfer brought home!

We both made it to our offices this morning. I did a couple errands on the way home. The streets in our neighborhood were passable this morning; the water had gone down. There are a few more limbs down around our house; nothing major. The post at the corner that held the street signs and the stop sign was blown over. I saw some downed trees on my way to the office. Other areas are still battling the flood waters and power outages.

Nurse J says they are doing okay. CableGuy went for an MRI today. BeyB didn't have school again today - due to weather and the fact her school is a designated shelter for people who had to evacuate their homes.

Life moves on. I just finished scrubbing the bathroom and have some laundry going. I tried to clean up the front porch a little but wet leaves refuse to be swept or blown anywhere! they are plastered on the floor and walls. I gave up; will try again at a later time.

I am unhappy that one of my favorite new shows has been cancelled already - "Eastwick". Golfer and I watched it since the first show. Too bad.

There are no big plans for the weekend. Everything depends on what the weather will be doing.

Take care and stay safe!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hey, All!

If you aren't in our area, you're missing a dandy storm! We are in day two of what is predicted to be a four or five day storm. Golfer and I were able to get out this morning and get to work and back home. It is now raining harder and the wind is picking up. This storm is the mutated remnants of Ida combined with a front off the coast and then not moving. There have been anywhere from six to ten inches of rain so far and much more is expected. Some streets have over three feet of water covering them. Because of the wind and heavy rain, the tides are being forced higher than they would normally be. Add to that the fact there is no place for any more water to go and it is a big mess. The next two high tides are predicted to be even worse for flooding.

Golfer and I are okay. Our house sits on a small "rise". In the past when there has been flooding in our neighborhood, the highest water we had was halfway up the driveway. We're in for the night unless there is an emergency. There are two streets leading to our house in our neighborhood. One was covered with water this afternoon and the other was almost covered. We'll just have to see what things are like in the morning. We may be staying home!

There have been some power outages around the area, but so far we are fine with that also.

Nurse J says they are fine. She is working from home; CableGuy is off for a couple days (his regular schedule) and BeyB's school is closed.

Take care and stay safe! More later!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thank You, God!

Hey, all!

This is a day of reflection and gratitude. So, thank you, God, for watching over me. And thank you, Golfer, for loving me and taking care of me. And thank you to all my family and friends for just "being here".

At about 6:15 p.m. on November 2, 1999 (ten years ago) through no fault of mine, this is where I was:
If you can read the picture dates, you will see these pictures were actually taken by Golfer while I was in the hospital.
So. Life is good! Stay safe! And BTW - wear your seat belts! I did and still do!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Universe Off Kilter the Past Week

Hey, all. This past week has not been a particularly great one for us and those we love. I had to visit our doctor again for various issues. Thankfully, most of those are now taken care of and are better. Also, had to see the orthopedic doc about my knees - bone spurs in both now. We had quite the chat and discussed all options. We're going to try the Supartz injections and see if they help. I'll keep you posted. That had to be ordered so we haven't started yet.

Golfer is still not feeling well and has had several visits to doctors and had additional tests and x-rays, and an MRI. Thankfully, he is starting to feel a bit better, even if we don't know for certain what is causing his troubles. On a good note though - his hand therapy is going well.

Then during the course of the week, Bikini had a run-in with a deer. She's okay, some damage to the car, and the deer limped away. Then she was struck by bad luck again as she was carrying a pumpkin into Bloomer's Daycare in the rain and she slipped and fell. Hurt both knees and her arm; nothing broken though. There were some other issues there in Georgia and I'm hoping that by now, after a good dose of Halloween chocolate, they are all doing better!

Cable Guy hasn't been feeling well and Nurse J and he are seeing doctors and trying to get that figured out.

The weather has not cooperated with my time and energy levels - just all out of sync. So things I wanted to do in the yard have not been done.

And then the last straw was when I got to work one morning, and as I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a pet carrier sitting by the door. Someone had dropped off a little dog, obviously the evening before based on the condition he was in, and just left him there with no food or water. I was the only one there at the church, and I couldn't handle the rickety carrier by myself. I gave him some water and then called a couple of the church ladies who I know love dogs and one of them came and took the little guy to a "no-kill" shelter. They immediately took him to a veterinarian. He had been starved and abused, but they are trying to save him. At the last report, he weighed in at a little over two pounds and was starting to eat on his own. He was too weak to do that at first. As I have said before, I would rather be around our cats and other animals more than around some people. Some people are just idiots and mean.

So, I'm hoping for a better week for everyone. Stay safe.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Product Endorsement

I've been having some "issues" lately with the fabric softener that I've been using for years. It's a well-known brand name one. All of a sudden I was getting blue spots on the clean laundry when the cycle was done. I tried switching to their "no dye, no fragrance" type and ended up with tan spots on the clothes in spite of the liquid being white when it went into the washer.

What to do??????

Then I got a coupon in the mail for the new Bounce dryer bars. I figured "what the hey!?" and gave it a try. Well, I have to tell you I've done several loads of laundry with the bar stuck in the dryer and it seems to work just fine. Clothes are soft and without static and they smell nice. And there are no spots!

Just wanted to share. Stay safe!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009



What could possibly make someone think that it is okay to go into one's office (mine), get into their personal space (I like a lot!), start talking and then about three minutes into their spiel start saying how sick they are and how bad they feel????????




Get out of my office or I am going home! And thought to myself and not spoken - @%&***!!!#%@^&*!

This is not a one time occurrence. I know I have some immune issues due to the RA and I try to be careful. I believe in lots of hand-washing with soap and water. Not that hand gel stuff that they now know doesn't work so well and is poisonous to children.

I stopped at the store this afternoon. I have prepared a "disinfectant and germ-killing kit" that will be kept in my office. I am now armed with a large can of Lysol, some disposal gloves, some Clorox wipes, paper towels and three bottles of isopropyl alcohol for wiping down door knobs, phones and keyboards!

Thanks for "listening"! Stay safe!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hey, All!

It's a dark, cool, rainy day here. The furry kids and I just had a short nap. Highly unusual for me (not for them) and it felt good!

I finally got my flu shot today. Golfer and I had an appointment to both get them last week. He got his just fine. I hit a snag with getting mine though. I've been getting flu shots for years and years, and always fill out the paperwork and always give the same answers to the same questions. This year, because I said I had been allergic to feathers as a child, they said I couldn't have one. I think I surprised them. I guess normally a person told that would say "okay" and then leave. I didn't. I've never had a reaction to the flu shots, never had a problem with eggs, and wanted to have someone explain why all of a sudden it was forbidden. Eventually, our doctor came out and talked to me and gave his explanation which made sense. And from his perspective he probably has to respond with a "no" for malpractice reasons. But my argument made sense, too, and he said he'd look into a test to be sure if I had a reaction to feathers or not now. The test was done a few days ago and the results were in this morning and I have now had my flu shot! So there, germs!

The picture hunt project is on-going. The scanner doesn't want to cooperate. We haven't used it since we bought it. It's a HP combination deal with printer, scanner, copier all in one machine. Everything else works, but I can't get the computer and the scanner part to talk to each other. We'll work on it this weekend. The lovely weather is supposed to last until at least next Monday, so we will need some indoor projects to do to prevent sleeping all weekend!

I finally bought a pumpkin at the Commissary and put on the porch. I usually like to get them at a Farmers' Market, but my leg is not up to walking around and dealing with lumpy ground. I have not gotten any chrysanthemums though. The red geraniums are still blooming full force and are lovely.

Golfer has a couple more doctor appointments scheduled hoping to find relief for the pain he's having. His hand is healing well.

That's about it from here. Stay safe! (and dry!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hey, All!

It's me again!

The weather here is pretty nice today. Sort of a "lull before the storm" if you want to believe the weather forecasts. It's sunny and nice out right now. But starting tomorrow they are predicting a lot cooler, and rain with high wind for a few days. Woo-hoo! It's not like either of us is up for any yard work or playing golf right now anyway.

I go for an MRI this evening for my painful knee. Then I guess there will be a discussion with my ortho doc about what to do next after he sees the scans. If nothing else shows up on the MRI, then I guess I'll have the "chicken lip" injections he's been telling me about. I asked my rheumatologist about those, and he thinks it's a good idea also. So I'll probably give it a try.

I've been going through some boxes of old photos. I was given the task of gathering pictures for the folks to put together a presentation at Golfer's retirement ceremony in a few months. I'm probably about halfway done with that project. I always get slowed down going through those boxes when I get to Nurse J's and Bikini's baby pictures! Of course, mixed in there with those are baby pictures of Golfer and me, our parents and other relatives. (It's a big bunch of pictures!) I still have to go through some albums and take a couple pictures out of frames to be scanned.

I also finished preparing our 2010 calendar. (Bikini will be proud I'm so organized) Seems with all the doctor appointments lately we had several cards for next March already, so now everyone's birthday and anniversary and all appointments so far are logged on!

Not much else going on right now. Stay safe!

Monday, October 5, 2009


For starters, I am still coughing and taking all the meds; I am feeling better though. However, I ended up having a cortisone shot in each knee last week. The right one is better, the left not so much. I've been being careful! I took my time and went at my own pace and did some cleaning, washed some windows, and pulled a few weeds. Also been going to work.

Golfer is doing okay. The doctor took the pins out of his hand today and they adjusted his splint. He goes back in three weeks and they will do some x-rays. In a few days he can start taking the splint off to shower and then put it back on. And then in another few days, he can start weaning off the splint a little bit at a time.

Our new fence is done! And then our friend, Chris - who does landscaping and agreed to help us while Golfer is recuperating - came and smoothed out the areas around the posts and then mowed for us. Then the man who does our regular lawn maintenance came and aerated, seeded, put down fertilizer and weed-killer. So now it's just a matter of letting the grass grow for a bit!

This is the view we used to have from our back yard. I realize it's a little dark, but I didn't want to be real obvious while I was taking the picture. Not shown in the photo are the large barking dogs that live over there, the picnic tables piled with stuff, assorted hoses piled up, dog toys and the frequent bags of trash that are out there.

This is the new view!
I love new wood! It's so nice and clean!
And another view of the other side of the yard!
Remember - good fences make good neighbors!
That's all for now....stay safe!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Bronchitis. Antibiotics. Decongestants, Cough Suppressants. Oh, my!

Staying home today. More later. Stay safe.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Golfer's first day back to work went okay. No problems.

My slight cough has turned into something worse and I plan to see the doctor today.

The fence work is coming along. The guys expect to finish today if all goes well. It rained during the night, so things are pretty wet out there. But what fence is up looks good!

I took some pictures of the new "library/ reading room". Because it's not a huge room, it was hard to get pictures that included everything, but you'll get the idea.

My niece always likes to see before pictures, but really, it was an empty room so there wasn't much reason to record it! :)

I don't know what's up with the light spot on the chair back, must be a reflection from the camera. It's not really on the chair. Surprisingly, when I was taking the pictures, there were no furry kids on the new chair!

That's about it from here. Stay safe!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey, all!

It's been a few days; things have been busy here among other things.

Golfer is doing okay. He had a re-check appointment last Monday. They fiddled with the pins holding the bones in place, took out the sutures, cleaned his hand and then made him a new splint. He goes back for another re-check in a little over a week. So no cast as of now. He can use his fingers a little more with this new splint. And we are supposed to take it off, clean his hand, and then put it back on. I wish I was better at doing that for him. Golfer also had to go get a cortisone shot in his shoulder. That seems to have helped the pain and he can at least sleep better. He's planning to go back to work on Monday.

Bikini, Brief, Boxer and Bloomer were here last weekend. It was great to see them all, and we appreciate them coming. They helped us with a couple things around the house and Bikini and Brief did some cooking. The kids were very good and are growing so fast!

Nurse J and Cable Guy had us all over for lunch and we got to see all the work they've been doing on their house. It is lovely! I especially like the work on the fireplace and the new banister on the steps! BeyB got her first choice and will be playing the flute for band. She was also getting her new glasses yesterday. We have not seen them yet.

I had a couple days of scratchy throat, aches, headache, and blah-ness. Also some increased joint pain. I've been taking it easy (for me) the last couple days and am feeling a little better. Going to see the orthopedic doc on Wednesday.

The new fence work was started. Hit a snag right off when things just didn't look right on one side with the property line. And we couldn't find the marking pins. I had to get to work so we called Nurse J and Cable Guy to come help Golfer look for them. We appreciate their help, but the pins weren't found and we had to hire a surveyor to come out and find them and mark them. Turns out the neighbor's fence is at an angle and not really running correctly on the property line. But our fence will be fine with our property. And all of our sprinkler heads are fine also. We were afraid we were going to have to have a few moved. Turns out the line is closer to the neighbor's house than everyone thought. They have already shown concern about the location of our fence posts, but Golfer explained about the surveyor and the correctly marked stakes, so that's that. Rain and soggy ground slowed down the work a little for the fence company, but the guys said they would be back Monday morning to start putting up boards.

Our new chair for the "reading room" was delivered. The furry kids seem to apporve of it and have been taking turns sitting in it. It's a La-Z-Boy wing-back with turned wooden legs, dark green print fabric. I still have a little more rearranging of things on the shelves to do and then I'll take some pictures. I love the room! It's just like I had pictured it in my mind!

We hope everyone is well and happy. Stay safe!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Golfer is recuperating. We've cut down on the pain pills and added anti-inflammatory meds. He seems to be sleeping a little better at night. Yesterday morning we were concerned because he was running a low-grade fever. But that seems to have gone away. We called the doctor right away, to get advice.

So, he's learning to use his left hand for shaving and typing. Still supposed to be resting a lot and taking it easy.

In other news, Bikini and family will be here to visit next weekend. We're looking forward to that.

I went in to the office this morning and got caught up there.

Just wanted to post an update and say stay safe!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Golfer had the surgery on his hand today. It was a long day. The surgery was originally scheduled for 7:00 a.m. but was moved yesterday to 10:30. We had to be at the hospital by 9:00 this morning. We were, and Golfer checked in and was prepared. Then we waited. Things were running way behind. He actually went back to surgery about 1:00. I spoke with the doctor afterwards and he said things went okay, but Golfer was in a lot of pain. So we are now home, he is medicated and he just had some supper. His hand and arm are in a temporary splint cast until the incision heals, then they will put a regular cast on him. He is resting and has his hand elevated and iced.

Many thanks for the good thoughts and prayers. More later. Stay safe!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I like animals. Some more than people, some better than others, but I still like them all. At the church where I work, a family of squirrels lived in a big, old oak tree. About eight or nine feet up the trunk was the entrance to their home. On sunny mornings, when I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car, they would stick their heads out of the hole and say hello. Sometimes in the Winter, I would leave nuts around for them to eat. They were cute. They were God's friendly little creatures. I would watch them running and jumping around the tree limbs while they played.

This morning, on my first day back in the office after vacation, I pulled into the lot and the tree is GONE. Just a pile of sawdust. I was very sad. I hope the squirrel family made the evacuation of their home safely. I know the tree was in sad shape and some folks thought it was going to fall on them. And I can see the rationality of removing it, but still, I am sad. Those squirrels made me smile.

To further enhance my mood, it is still raining. Some flooding in the area, some roads closed, estimated rainfall is somewhere around eight or nine inches so far. It's supposed to rain for the next day or so.

And on top of that, I got myself over to the "Y" for a swim only to find out that the pool is closed because of a "chemical imbalance". Harumph.

I'm done. That's it. Stay safe.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Vacation was wonderful. Sun, water, rest, friends, good food, good books, good golf for Golfer. Sorry to see it end.

We're back home. The house is cleaned, the laundry is done (ironing, too), the yard is tidied up and grass mowed, the furry kids are all woogied, mail has been sorted and bills paid. I've been looking forward - a lot - to just one more sunny day at the outdoor pool. It closes today. It will still be hot enough for outdoor swimming, but because all the lifeguards are young people and have to go back to school, there are staffing problems. So they close on Labor Day. But my recurring sigh - and I'm surprised you haven't heard it from wherever you are - is because today has been in the 70's, dark and rainy. Not a pool day. So I unpacked that pool bag and repacked my bag for the YMCA pool, where I will be headed this week.

Golfer isn't feeling well and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to help him at this time. Wish there was.

I was also planning to use the grill for dinner, and.... it's raining.


It's back to work tomorrow. Already have a to-do list made so I won't forget some of the things I need to take care of now that we're home. We also have some things to do before Golfer's surgery on Friday.

So, anyway, I hope everyone has had a nice day today. I am taking my emotional self off to the shower. Stay safe.

Friday, September 4, 2009

LAST DAY ........... SIGH

Today is the last full day of vacation. It's been a good week. Golfer says he had a good time playing golf and seeing friends. His first two days of play were pretty good but then they turned not so good. But there's always next year!

So, we slept in a little this morning. (that was about until 7:00 a.m. for me!) Then we went and tried a new restaurant for breakfast - Harry's House of Pancakes. It was very good. And it was the first time I have ever had grits that had any kind of flavor to them! They weren't bad. I know that will make Brief smile! So, yea! for Harry!

And speaking of Brief, we're very glad he is okay after a scary day yesterday at work. A plane he was working on - and flying at the time - caught fire. But all is well.

Golfer and I went down to the beach to sit out, but it was rather cloudy and breezy and we did not stay long. We went to the Health Club and Golfer sat in the whirlpool while I did my exercises in the pool. As he is approaching surgery and stopping meds and supplements, he's getting a little achy. Since I deal with that on a constant basis, I know how he feels. I wish I could do something for him. After that, we cleaned up and went to Olive Garden for soup and salad.

We had no big plans for the day and I wanted to buy a couple Christmas presents at a favorite boutique, so we headed to Broadway at the Beach. We went and fed the ducks and fish while we were there. I also fed a bedraggled looking crow that perched next to us while we were dropping food into the water. I edged closer and put a little of the food down for him and he gave me a look and edged toward it. Seemed to enjoy it, so I gave him some more. Could be my imagination, but I think he looked grateful!

And on the subject of wildlife... Golfer took a picture of an alligator on the golf course yesterday!

Nurse J is trying to get all the projects at their house finished up. There's painting, and crown molding going up, and other projects. Work is going slow, but it will be nice when it's all done. BeyB goes back to school next Tuesday.

Bikini got to the doctor and is medicated for bronchitis. Feel better soon!

That's about all from here. We head home in the morning. Then we'll be catching up and getting things all in order before Golfer's surgery. And I'll need to check in with Albert, the cabinet maker, and Matt, the fence guy, and Scott, the contractor................ Tuesday will be a killer; it is always hard to go back to work after vacation!

Stay safe!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hey, all!

We're having a great time. Golfer is getting in some good golf. I'm having pool and sun time everyday. I'm also getting a little extra sleep and relaxing. Mom would like to hear that; she always worries about me. Just proves that once a Mom, always a Mom; doesn't matter how old either of you are! (she's 100; I'm 60)

We went out to a great Italian restaurant last evening with all of our friends, instead of going to the Convention Center and doing the grazing dinner. Very nice evening. We'll be back at the Convention Center this evening.

It's cooled off a little here at the beach and I had to wear my sweatshirt this morning when I went down to the beach for a walk and then to get a paper. I've turned the A/C off in our suite and have the balcony door open. Nice breeze!

We haven't heard anything from Nurse J or Bikini, so I hope all is well with them. I figure "no news is good news". (love 'ya, girls!)

That's all from here. Stay safe!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Greetings from the Beach!

Golfer and I arrived safely in Myrtle Beach yesterday afternoon. We ended up in a different building than we normally stay in but it's fine and it's closer to the ocean! We're on the eighth floor and can see the water from the balcony.

Golfer and his friends played golf this morning and I had some beach time and a swim in the pool. Don't know our dinner plans yet for this evening. The tournament start tomorrow. The guys have already checked in and gotten their goodie bags - tournament shirt and hat, golf balls, bag tag, sunscreen, a shoe bag, coupons, etc. Starting tomorrow evening there will be food and entertainment at the convention center.

That's all from here. Stay safe!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Things are humming right along here. You wouldn’t think late August would be so busy, but it is!

We’re going to have a fence installed in our back yard. That involved paperwork, applications and meetings with the fence company. Our plan was approved by the ARB and the deposit has been paid to the builders, so now it’s just a matter of a couple weeks before we come up on their schedule.

Albert, the cabinet maker, says our cabinets/shelves are built and he came by with stain samples for us to look over. So that project is at the stage where we just wait until Albert is all done and ready to come install those.

Golfer and I have been investigating and talking with our professional help and discussing retirement. Golfer is ready, things are looking pretty good. Watch for an announcement on that soon.

Golfer and I are getting ready for vacation. He will be playing in the large amateur championship in Myrtle Beach next week. After we return he will be off work a couple weeks to recuperate from some surgery on his hand that is scheduled a few days after our return.

Since he will be basically “one-handed” for a couple months, we’ve been busy getting some odds and ends done around the house and in the yard.

It’s been HOT here in Virginia and there have been frequent storms. We have been lucky and have not been in the areas hit with the flooding.

Nurse J and CableGuy have been busy doing some work on their house. The front is looking nice. We haven’t seen the inside work yet; it’s still in progress. They found someone to work on their backyard and there is a mountain (!) of bagged debris waiting for pick up! BeyB starts Middle School the day after Labor Day.

Bikini says things are going well with them. Everyone is busy and the kids have adjusted well to the new school year and daycare year.

So that’s about it from here. Life goes on, time flies, and all that sort of thing! Stay safe! I’ll think of you all while I’m sitting on the beach looking at the waves!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Several times recently I have thought about posting on the blog. And obviously, I never got around to it!

All is well here. Things have been busy. Golfer and I had a trip to Ohio for Mom's 100th birthday. She's still enjoying all the cards,candy, and flowers she received as well as the goody bags full of canned goods some friends gave her. It was a nice party. Many thanks to my sister and my niece for doing almost all the work! Also to Tim, a friend who looks after the building where Mom lives. You can check out Bikini's blog and see the pictures she posted, too.
Golfer and I have been busy around our home. We want to get a privacy fence built in our back yard. Where we live has a home owners association and that means paperwork. We've done our part. The board meets on Thursday and I was told we might know by the weekend if everything was approved. Then it will be good-by to the neighbor's dog poo and hello to a better view on the other side!
We're also moving forward with the plans for our spare room. We're going to have a wall of floor-to-ceiling shelves and lower cabinets built. The same man who built the new cabinets for the master bath is doing it. Can't wait for that to be done! The wood has been ordered and he said he'd be bringing some stain samples by this week.
Golfer and some of his friends will be playing in the PGA Tour World Amateur Handicap Classic golf tournament in Myrtle Beach at the end of the month. This is always a fun time. There are usually over 4,000 players and they play at courses all over the area. Every evening at the Convention Center there are food and entertainment. Plus we get to see friends that we don't get to see all the time. AND... I get some more beach and pool time!
It's been very hot in Virginia - the dreaded triple H's - hot, humid and hazy. Last week we had a LOT of rain and there was flooding in some areas. None close to us. The yard is green. The geraniums are blooming. Some of the Encore azaleas are starting to bloom again now. And yet, they are putting Christmas things out in the stores. Don't get me started!
Boxer started kindergarten on August 3rd and he is doing well and having fun. Bloomer moved up a class at Daycare and she is doing well, also. BeyBe starts sixth grade the day after Labor Day.
So there you are! Life moves on. Stay safe!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Although I wished Golfer a "Happy Birthday" first thing yesterday morning, I never got around to posting a greeting. Sorry about that. But a delicious cake did get baked!

I love you and hope you had a good birthday!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY, MOM! We love you!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRIEF! Love you, too!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Time has been flying by and I did not realize it had been so long since a post.

First, Bikini celebrated a birthday on the 13th.... so a very belated "Happy" to her on this blog!

Seems like there just isn't enough time or energy some days. The yard work is on-going. I have been busy keeping the weeds under control and keeping the potted flowers healthy. And you know, if the weather is right, I have to have some pool time!

Been preparing at long distance for Mom's 100th Birthday celebration on August 1st. Her birthday is actually the 5th, but the 1st is when we can get everyone together and she said that was fine. My sister and niece have been doing almost all the work there in Ohio, so many, many thanks to them!

We've been getting estimates on having a fence put in in the back yard and estimates on a wall of shelves in the back room. I think we have made a decision, but have not done anything definite about it yet. Also doing a lot of thinking and studying on possible retirement for Golfer at the end of the year. So we have been busy.

And speaking of Golfer.... in the process of moving back into the office that he had just moved out of recently, he managed to fall and get bumped and bruised and break a rib. That required an ER visit and a week off work and on medication. He's feeling better, is being careful and is back to work this week. And he's anxious to be back out on the golf course!

My work has been busy; Rev. C. is on Sabbatical so all the phone calls, emails, and messages are coming to be. Most I can handle and others I pass on to other folks. Still time consuming. And right around now is when things start gearing up for all the things that start in the Fall.

Golfer and I saw "Half Blood Prince". It was a very good movie, but a lot of things from the book were left out or changed. But still, I want the DVD!

That's about it from here. We are still here and are doing okay. Life goes on.

Stay safe!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


As we approach Independence Day let us all take a moment to be thankful for what we have. And even though times may be tougher right now, we are better off than a lot of the world. So slow down, appreciate your loved ones around you, and be grateful for your freedoms.

And having said that, on to other things. I need to vent a little.

What’s up with a doctor’s staff focusing on the least of your symptoms when a message is left describing all of the said symptoms? And then acting like you are “not right” for declining the advice to take Tagamet and Maalox when they would have absolutely no affect on the worst of the symptoms? BTW, our regular doctor will be back from his well deserved vacation next week! Yea! Also, I am feeling better after stopping the offending medicine that started the symptoms in the first place! Not completely better yet, but better!

And please! What’s up with movie critics??? Golfer and I went to see the new “Transformers” movie this week. The critics hadn’t had anything good to say about it. Let’s be realistic here, “Transformers” is not meant to be a grand literary production with deep meaning. However, we loved it! It was great! I wish I had my own Bumblebee! Lots and lots of action, some really funny dialog, and an opening for another movie! Go see it! And Yea! for Regal Cinemas and their $1 popcorn nights on Tuesdays!

Some words I don’t like hearing: “the westbound tube of the bridge tunnel is closed due to pump failure”. A storm came through our area last night. Golfer and I are fine; we just got rain and some thunder and lightning. But last night the James River Bridge was closed because of power failure when lines were knocked out. This morning the bridge tunnel has a closed tube because of power problems from the storm damaging a pump. When we first moved here, every time Golfer drove us through the tunnel I would hold my breath. I eventually got to where I relaxed some and would breath. But really now, when you’re in a big tube under water with bumper-to-bumper traffic, you do not want to hear about pump failure. Fortunately, we don’t have to use the bridge tunnel all that often. But Geez! I always think of that part of The Stand where mankind is being wiped out and the survivors are trying to get somewhere and have to go through a dark tunnel full of wrecked cars full of people. Not for the claustrophobic!

That’s about all my venting now. Thanks for “listening”.

I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th! Stay safe. Be careful. If you need to find us, Golfer will be playing golf and I will be at the pool!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


There is always trouble in the world. It doesn't matter what year, month or day or time, trouble is lurking. Doesn't matter who you are either.

The world lost McMahon this week. I remember watching him for many years, some of those with a black and white TV set. Funny man. Good sidekick. Sorry he's gone.

Then we lost Farrah. Maybe not the finest actress ever, but you have to admit she was pretty and had great hair. And Golfer still has the cup with the copy of her famous poster on it up in the cupboard! I'm sorry she had to suffer for so long.

Then we lost Michael. The man had talent. Our daughters watched his music videos and listened to his music. There was even a "Michael Jackson Day" at Nurse J's Middle School! The students dressed up and played his music. I don't think they do things like that now. He shared his talent from a very early age. It is sad that his last years have been so very troubled. BeyB had a lot of questions about Michael; mainly why didn't he ever look the same. I answered her the best I could.

Add to these losses the other troubles and pains in the world and it's been a so-so week.

It's hot and humid and Summer is in full force here in Virginia. I've made it to the outdoor pool a couple times and enjoyed it.

Life goes on. Stay safe.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I LOVE YOU! It's been a wonderful forty-two years and I look forward to us having many, many more. You are my soulmate and best friend. I love you forever. G. XO

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hey, all!

Seems like it was another busy week, but there wasn't really anything too unusual going on. Golfer and I are fine. He's out . . . . . . . playing golf. I'm hoping they get their round finished before rain starts again. Seems like it's rained every day for forever around here.

Things have been busy at the church office with preparations for Rev. C's Sabbatical. He's going to be gone for three months.

I got out and yanked up a big bag full of weeds this morning. All the rain has really encouraged the weeds to grow. Does anyone know of anything that will stop Devil's Tongue from spreading? While I enjoy the orange flowers cascading down the wall, I could do without the vines taking over the back of the yard! Most of that bag of weeds was Devil Tongue sprouts and vines.

We are into the "triple H's" here in Virginia - hot, humid and hazy. I think the heat index is over 100 today.

I was just outside with the man from a fencing company. We've been getting estimates. Have to decide what we want to do now. And then if we decide to move ahead with getting fence, we have to fill out and submit all the forms and paperwork for the ARB.

Well, I just wanted to say "hey" to everyone. Stay safe!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This was taken from the hotel balcony. If I had a zoom lens you would be able to see Bikini, Brief, Boxer, Bloomer and Golfer on the beach trying to fly a kite!

The second picture is at the kiddie pool where we seemed to start out each day!

The last picture is at the water park at the hotel. That's Boxer trying to get Granpa Golfer to go faster in the water!

Good times were had by all!


I have just realized that I have not posted anything since the last day of vacation! And it's not for lack of things going on!

So. We got home okay. The furry kids were fine; well taken care of by Lisa. Then there was laundry to do, errands to run, mail to pick up, bills to pay, groceries to buy, cleaning to do, yard work to do, jobs to go to, and on and on.

Golfer had to move into a new office in a new building. Same job, just new place. I helped a little with that.

We replaced our mailbox. That involved priming and painting the post white before the new box went on. It's an ARB approved PVC white one that supposedly will never need painting or upkeep. We'll see.

We also got a new bird feeder. It's made of recycled man-made material and it also is supposed to be low maintenance. Again, we'll see. The birds and squirrels like the new feeder; it passed inspection!

I have appointments set to get estimates on wooden privacy fence for the back yard. We are tired of dog poo in the yard when we have indoor cats. In the interest of having decent relationships with the neighbors, we are considering putting up a fence. The homeowners' office says we could file an anonymous complaint about the free running dogs and mess. But it wouldn't take too much brain power to figure out who the anonymous complainer was since we're the only ones affected. I've decided we have to pick our battles. And I love peace.

BeyB fell on the playground, bruised her face and broke her glasses. She's fine now and glasses are fixed. Nurse J has been sick and she is better. Nurse J also celebrated a birthday. A belated "Happy" to her! Since she was recovering and on antibiotics we did not do any celebrating, just dropped off gifts. CableGuy is fine.

Boxer finished Safety Camp and is now attending swim camp. Bikini says it is a great success and he likes it but it wears him out! Bloomer is doing well in her "big girl bed". She likes having room for more animals at night. Bikini has had an eye infection but she is doing okay now and getting to wear her contacts again. Brief is fine.

Work has been busy for both of us. There is also no lack of things that need doing around the house.

We are happy that we have finally had a mimosa tree live long enough to bloom!
More later! Stay safe!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Well, it's Saturday. Golfer just left for the last day of the tournament. Yesterday had been a pretty good round for him. But because some players got rained out due to the frequent small storms that were going through here, all of yesterday's scores were thrown out. I hope today is good one! The guys look forward to this tournament a lot and it's always nice if they have a good time.

It's been a good week - visiting with Bikini and Brief and the kids, lots of pool and beach time, visiting with friends, dining out at good places........ I'll be going down to the lobby soon to book our reservations for next year. The new owner of the Ocean Dunes will give us the same rate if we book before we leave. This is a convenient location and we all like it. The suites and rooms aren't real "plush" and fancy, but the price is right.

So, tomorrow morning we'll head home. I'm sure our furry kids will be happy to see us. They've been in good care with Lisa looking after them. We'll have a flurry of catching up with the laundry, a little cleaning and some yardwork and then it's back to work. That's what makes us appreciate vacation!

More later. Stay safe!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Vacation is going well, good times are being had, fun is exhausting!
Bikini, Brief, Boxer and Bloomer left for home this morning. They had to get back in time for the end-of-the-year program for Boxer's school. It was great seeing them! The kids were wonderfully well behaved. A couple high points were Boxer doing his "shark swim" face down in the water with his arms behind and above his back like fins. Cute! And Bloomer wanting to go feel (feed) the ducks. We got there and Bikini gave her a quarter for the duck/fish food dispensing machine and before she could get more instructions out of her mouth Bloomer threw the quarter in the water for the ducks! I guess she figured they could shop for themselves!
We want to send a "thinking of you" out to BeyB who had some dental work done this week. She's had some permanent teeth come in where no baby teeth came out and things were getting crowded. Had to have a couple teeth pulled. Nurse J says she's doing well though. She also had a teensy cavity repair and some teeth sealing. Hopefully, next year they will all be able to join us at the beach for a couple days, too.
As for me, I've had lots of sun sitting time and water time. Today I did a little shopping and also did the laundry. We had packed for the week thinking we would have washers and dryers available as usual. But out of three washers and three dryers in the building, only one washer works. So I found a very nice laundromat and loaded up the stuff and got it all done at once. Also got some reading done while I was waiting!
Dinner tonight is with our friends at a great Italian restaurant we discovered while we were here the last time. The guys have had a couple rain delays today in the tournament, but they should be back in time for our reservations. If not, we'll change the time. No worry.
So for now, take care and stay safe!

Monday, May 25, 2009


First..... sorry it's been so long since my last post. Much has been happening!

Golfer and I were in Washington, D.C. visiting friends when we got word that my sister's husband had passed away. He had been quite ill and was in declining health. It was sad, but we're glad he's not suffering any longer. Golfer scrambled around and found me a flight to Ohio and I got there for the funeral. Visited with everyone and came home last Tuesday. Then I had to scramble around to catch up at work and get everything ready for our vacation.

We are now in Myrtle Beach. Golfer and his buddies will be playing in the Retired Military Golf Classic this week. Bikini, Brief, Boxer and Bloomer are here for a few days. It's great to see them. Boxer and Bloomer are getting so big! And they have been soooooooo good! We've played in the pools and they've built sand castles. They've gone round and round the lazy river at the water park. We've gone out to dinner with our friends and the kids have been on their best behavior.

Memorial Day weekend is also the time of the Atlantic Beach Bikefest. Usually, the hotel where we stay is overcrowded, loud and noisy, and there are no parking places, and long lines everywhere for a few days. We have been pleasantly surprised this year. Myrtle Beach has passed some new laws and they are being enforced. Such things as restricted noise levels and parking restrictions, helmet laws, etc. The bikers have gone back to Atlantic Beach and the paper says they had a good time. The rest of us have enjoyed our visits to Myrtle Beach this time, too!

In other news, Golfer and I attended an excellent performance of "Wicked" at Chrysler Hall last week. It was wonderful! I highly recommend it. For those of you not familiar, "Wicked" is the story of the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz. You know, she didn't really start out as wicked. Tolerance of things different is a good thing.

That's about it from here for now. Stay safe!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Mothers' Day!

I'll be calling my Mom, who lives in Ohio, tomorrow. She's turns 100 this year and she doesn't "do" computers so she won't see these wishes here.

All is well with us. Today it's hot and muggy and getting ready to rain some more even though the sun is out right now. We've had at least eight days with rain off and on. Things are soggy. The grass needs to be mowed and all that rain did not slow down any weed growth. I considered doing a a little yard clean-up today, but like I said, it's hot and muggy. Tomorrow is only supposed to be in the 70's. That's more conducive to yard work in my opinion. So today has been filled with doing laundry and doing errands and doing some cleaning.

Golfer and I saw "Wolverine" this past week. Very good movie. If you liked the X-Men movies, you should like this one. There are a few new movies coming out soon that we want to see. The new "Star Trek" might be the next one. I believe Bikini and Brief are seeing it today. I'm anxious to hear their opinions.

I ran into Nurse J while out doing errands; we had a short chat in Sam's Club. All is well with them.

Stay safe and have a good weekend!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hey, All!

So.... When I fed the furry kids early yesterday morning I discovered teeny, tiny ants in the kitchen. Just in one area; the same area where they seem to be every year about this time. I had hoped that the disturbance of tearing up old flooring and putting in new tile and all the accompanying mortar and grout would eliminate the problem, but not so.

When the kitties had finished eating, I took up all their dishes and emptied and scrubbed them. Sprayed the whole area with kitty-safe insecticide and hoped for the best. The ants started keeling over right away. When I returned home from work in the afternoon I didn't see any live ones, so I cleaned well, and put things back in place. It's been too windy to spray the ant shield liquid around the foundation outside. We've found that that helps, too, but it will have to wait until later.

It's a lovely day here. Warm, breezy. The windows are open and the furry kids are running back and forth. I've been outside to pull some weeds and do some cleaning up.

Golfer is due home this evening from visiting his brother in Ohio. Lar had major heart surgery recently. We're glad he's doing well.

Bikini reports that Boxer has two soccer games today. Boxer took Bikini to a Mother's Tea at his school. Bikini said it was lovely and a good time was had by all, complete with dressing up and drinking tea and having lots of goodies! Bloomer is keeping busy, too! They are all doing well.

Nurse J and Cable Guy are both working today, so I took BeyB up to her school to join three teachers and over fifty kids, and some parent chaperones for a geology field trip to a field mine in the mountains. BeyB's teacher asked me if I wanted to go along; five kids did not show up. They had to pay in advance, non-refundable, and it wouldn't have cost me anything. I passed on the offer, but said thank you. Nothing sounds like so much fun for a sixty year old woman with joint issues as a two to three hour bus ride (one way) (on a school bus!) to a field mine to dig rocks in the sun with over fifty pre-teen kids. Woo-hoo!!!! But I do hope they all have a good time and find some great rocks. BeyB was excited because her mom bought her a new messenger bag and she said she was going to fill it with rocks. I reminded her she had to be able to carry it home.

That's about it for now. Stay safe!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hey, all! I could make excuses for the long time since the last post, but really, time just flew by and I did not get to posting anything.

All is well here. We've had several gorgeous, sunny days in the 90's. But now it's cooled off and in the 60's and cloudy today. The A/C works well and has been turned off for now. The furry kids were happy to have an open window again!

Golfer had to have an appointment with our long-time optometrist, Dr. VZ. Golfer had corrective laser surgery a few years ago to eliminate the need to wear glasses. But they told him eventually, he would need reading glasses. That time is now. They've been ordered. We like Dr. VZ. Been seeing him for many years. And we smile every time, because he ALWAYS asks about our daughter, Bikini. She made a lasting impression on him. He says she has been his only patient, ever, to throw up and almost pass out while getting an eye exam. That was on the occasion of the first time her eyes were dilated. Let's just say there were some issues. But he always asks how she is. (or perhaps he asks to be sure she still lives in Georgia????) :)

I finished up a minor project in home upkeep. I replaced all the handles on the bi-fold closet doors. Added some small wooden disks between the brushed nickel knobs and the doors. Paint is all touched up and looking good. Knobs are nice and tight.

Everything is green and looking good in the yard. The azaleas are blooming and the potted flowers are doing well. Pollen is still an issue here and a yellow cloud is raised every time I clean off the porch and patio.

So, there you have it. Life moves on and days are full. Stay safe!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Couple More Trip Tales

I wanted to share a couple more pictures. These first ones are from Garden of the Gods. This was taken the morning it was about 20 and starting to snow. It was still beautiful there.

These next two are from the Royal Gorge. The first is the view that always upset Nurse J when she was little. She was afraid she was going to fall through the bridge! The next is the view of what's under that bridge. Photo was taken from looking over the side.

On a side note, about my flight.... I was traveling alone since Golfer was traveling between business locations. All was well until the flight from Denver to Colorado Springs. It was late departing. After we all got on board and seated the pilot announced it was going to be rough and if we needed anything to just shout or wave; the flight attendants were going to stay belted in. Ominous. Take off was okay, and the flight wasn't too bad until we got close to landing. We were almost down, rocking back and forth, and all of a sudden up we went. We circled around again and on the second try we landed. Golfer said he saw the plane come in and then go back up and thought "what the heck!?" I was a little nauseous and had a headache, but all was well.

More later. Stay safe!

Monday, April 13, 2009

We're Back!

Golfer had a couple back-to-back business trips and I got to go along on the last one when he went out to Colorado Springs. We lived there for about four years and loved the area. This first picture tells why. Clear air, beautiful mountain (Pikes Peak)

The day we arrived it was almost 70 out. The next morning it was about 20 and snowing. The third morning it was about 10. We had packed sensibly and had warm clothes to layer so we were fine. We had forgotten how strong the winds could be though and at times it was difficult to walk in a straight line!

We went to all our favorite places and drove around enjoying the scenery. We also visited with some friends and ate at several excellent restaurants.

These cold fish are at Seven Falls. When we lived in Colorado and would go there, Bikini and Nurse J liked to feed the fish. The white part is ice.

We drove through Garden of the Gods and Cheyenne Canyon Park. Took a trip to Cripple Creek. In the mid-70's when we were there it was a quaint old mining town. Now it is touristy gambling establishments and little shops. But the area around it is still gorgeous!

We had a fun evening at the "Flying W Ranch" with a wonderful steak dinner and great cowboy music.

Golfer got his work done.

We visited Royal Gorge and the Air Force Academy and hunted the places where we used to live.

All in all we had a wonderful trip. I will close with the tradtional family photo of a potty break!

Stay safe!