Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A Visitor!

Yesterday afternoon I was taking a break, sitting and reading.  Les was on the computer.  Finnigan was napping.  I heard a tapping noise and took a look around.  This is what I saw at the back door.

So, of course, I grabbed my phone and started taking pictures.  The lovely turkey stayed in our yard for quite a while.  

She spent some time on both sides of our fence, sitting up there and walking along the top sides of the fence.  And there was a lot of walking and pecking around in the yard.  I think she was eating the little acorns all over our yard from our neighbor's tree.  I hope she is safe somewhere now.  There was no sign of her this morning.

Stay safe.  Life is still good.  God Bless America!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Favorite Older Picture

This picture was taken several years ago at Sunny Slope Farm Market in Ohio.  That is an Amish store that sells fresh fruit, vegetables, baked goods, meats, and cheeses. We were there buying Trail Bologna and this lovely arrangement was in their parking lot.  You can also see the fog behind the display.  I remember it was a cool Fall day.

Les and I are okayish here.  It's cooled off and the A/C is turned off.  Windows have been opened a little bit.  

I've been trying to keep up with things.  I seem to make progress with my list and then something else pops up, but all is okay.  And I've decided things can wait if I don't feel like doing them right away. 😊

I hope everyone is well and taking care of themselves.  Stay safe.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Some Days Are Like This


Take care of yourselves.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Just Some Pictures


If you look closely at Mr. Gnome's garden, you will see he has two little ghost visitors.  And he has set the table for them, too!

We are okayish here.  The weather has gotten a little cooler and I turned the A/C off and opened a couple windows yesterday.  It was 48 this morning when we got up!

Our new microwave was delivered and installed today; seems nice.  Still reading and learning about it.  The old one died.  When it did, we checked the manual to troubleshoot.  It said to unplug and then plug it back in.  That did nothing, so we went and bought a new one. 

Take care and stay safe.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!

Sunday, October 6, 2024


I've been trying to keep up with things while dealing with Shingles. Chicken Pox was the only childhood disease that I had.  When Jacquie was a baby and getting her vaccinations, I had to get them all, too.  Anyway, that virus that causes Chicken Pox also causes Shingles and that virus stays in our bodies forever.  I had a case of Shingles years ago, before a vaccine was available.  It was not great.  

When Shingrix became available, Les and I got that vaccine.  I was diagnosed last Monday with Shingles again.  Prescribed an Anti-viral medication, and told to be careful and take care of myself.  Just so you are aware, stress can activate the virus and cause Shingles.

This second time was not as bad.  I had red spots, but not the nasty Chicken Pox-like-blisters.  I did have some short bursts of pulsing pain, but they were quick and didn't last.  So I can confirm that the Shingrix vaccine works, and the Anti-viral meds definitely help.  I am doing much better.

I was just out doing a little yard clean up.  We've stayed off of it since the aeration and seeding. The guys are supposed to start mowing again this week. And there were some bits that needed to be picked up. Mostly those bits were clusters of acorns and leaves from our neighbor's pin oak tree, and some other branches that had fallen on shrubs and in the grass.

Here are two pictures I took today. I love taking pictures of morning skies. I also like our blooming Azalea!

Take care and stay safe. Life is still good. And God Bless America!n

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Just Posing


Finnigan looked like he was waiting for me to take his picture, so I did.  He's doing alright, adjusting to his new food, still a little clingy, and I think he misses Angus.  We do, too.

It's cloudy, hot, and humid here today.  Some wind and rain from Helene are in the forecast for tomorrow.  Good luck to all who are in her path.  Looks like a bad one.

I've been working on a few odds and ends and taking care of "stuff".  Have had to spend too much time making phone calls.  I have to say, it takes FOREVER to actually get to a human person answering the phone!  But I did and I think things are done.  Verizon is scheduled to come next week to replace our equipment.  One of the cable boxes died.  I tried to get a replacement at the local store. They couldn't find one anywhere.  I was told Verizon is in the process of replacing older equipment - that is ours - with newer, better pieces.  Then I had to get our TLX scheduled for some recall work.  That will be done in October.  There has been a problem with the dealers getting the parts for the work.  We were told if the car actually just stopped working to have it towed to them.  So far, so good, and no issues, but I want it fixed!  

New shows are starting and that is nice.  We are just finishing watching the "Good Witch" series, on NetFlix.  We both have new books to read.

I hope everyone is well and staying safe.  Life is still good.  God Bless America!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Just Another Pretty Sky

I took this picture several days ago.  Today is gray, cloudy, and wet.  But that is okay.  It will help the new seed to sprout that the yard guys put down after aerating yesterday.  The sprinkler system is set up to run every day, too, to keep the seed moist.

I don't plan on any major yard work for a couple weeks unless there is an "emergency".  And that means in case the broken limb finally lets go and falls down on the patio.  It's on the Ash tree.  The tree guy looked at the tree when he was here removing the dead tree by the fence a couple months ago.  He told us there is something attacking Ash trees in the area, but a lot of them recover.  So it was decided we would not do anything about the tree at that time.  We're hoping next Spring it gets lots of new green leaves.  This broken limb is a recent thing and I have no idea what happened to it.  I just know we aren't going to spend big bucks to have it removed from the tree.  We will be patient and wait for it to fall down! 

Les had his annual eye appointment yesterday.  All okay except he needs to have a corrective laser procedure for scar tissue from cataract surgery a few years ago.  That happens, in case you didn't know.  I have had the same procedure twice.  

Today I had my annual mammogram.  The appointment was at 8:00.  I received the results by 9:00.  All okay and next year's appointment is scheduled.

Tomorrow we are getting our senior flu vaccines. 

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!